FAST-MOVING FLAVOR TREND DEEP COLLABORATION AGILETEST KITCHEN GreatFlavors Begin with GreatPartnerships At BluegrassIngredients, innovation is an everyday pursuit. It's the reason customerstrust us.It'sour stateofmind. It's centraltohow we work and how we deliver betterresults from deeper partnerships. We partnerwithlarge food manufacturers andentrepreneurs alike to innovate newwaystoinventand improvethe future of food. Vast Portfolio of IngredientSolutions Trendand Market Analysis Innovation-driven ProductPrototyping TheAgile Kitchen at Bluegrass TheAgile KitchenatBluegrass is an incubatorfor advancing flavor, form,and function,staffedwithfood scientists and culinaryexperts with aproventrack record forsuccess. INNOVATION PARTNER +1-270-297-7850 CHECKOUT OUR FULL PORTFOLIO