Tantalizing Handmade Look At 300 Burgers Per Minute Mm Mmmm. Just look at that burger…big and thick and juicy! Obviously handmade. But it’s not! This burger was portioned and formed at a speed that only high technology can deliver by the Townsend MasterFormer. Look, it has the same coarse ground open structure that you remember, just like handmade. It looks bigger, has a better mouthfeel and cooks faster than preformed burgers. But it came off the MasterFormer line in just one minute… along with 299 perfect look-alikes. That’s not all the “no pressure” MasterFormer can do. It’s great for filled products too! Get all the juicy details. Contact your Townsend Further Processing representative: 1-888-888-9107 www.marel.com/usa info.us@marel.comhttp://www.marel.com/usa