HE ACCOMPLISH ® Affinity and Urschel are registered trademarks of Urschel Laboratories, In U.S.A. Affinity an n ty an t he are regist red t he are registered trademarks e iste s st mar sche Laboratori , Inc. U.S.A ch or o ora or n nc . .A A. AFFINITY ® MAXIMIZED CAPACITY 25 HP Motor 5 5 HP Crosscut Motor 2 Motors for Maximum, Consistent Torque Delivery e PRECISION CUTS Accurate, Cleanly Cu Dices u , C eanly Cut Constant, Uniformly Cut Str ps and Shreds onsta a iform iforml Cut Strip r d Exact Dimensio s as Sm as 1/8 Cubes xact D mensions e Small /8" Cube b SUPERIOR SANITATION Sanit Sanita highly polished stainless steel surfaces deter anita tary b bacteria. Food zone completely separate from the mechanical zone. Hinged panels and sloped surfaces assist in maintenance and washdown. The U.S.D A., Dairy Division Accep ed AFF NITY® Ch ese & Meat Dicer: S.D. epte AFFI Chee The ultimate dicer with superior sani ation delivers precise cut at maximized capacitie tim or anit c e uts ties. http://www.urschel. com/newcheesedicer. html ® Cutting Solutions Slicing Dicing g Shredding Granulating www. U R S C H E L .com phone + 1 2 1 9 . 4 6 4 . 4 8 1 1 Milling/Grindi nding Pureeinghttp://www.urschel.com/newcheesedicer.html http://www.URSCHEL.com