COVER $TORY ® VP/D I R E C T OR O F QU A L I T Y ASSURANCE European original spare parts High performance &1/4-1/5 European price CE certificate by TÜV Base salary (median) Education: $126,000 Bachelor's degree Master's degree + 46% 54% Age: Tenure: Salary change (2014-2015) 3.3% Total compensation 25 to 44 years Years in position $148,000 10 8% Receive bonus 45 to 64 years Years w/ company 100% 92% 17 Male 65+ years Years in industry 92% 0% 31 LAR GE COM PAN Y (Food Safety / HACCP) Automatic Forming and Coating Processing Line * Former * Batterer * Preduster * Breader * Tempu Dipper * Drum Batterer * Drum Breader * Ball Rolling * Paper Supporting Excellent Slicing and Cutting Performance R& D M A N A G E M E NT Base salary (median) Education: $95,000 Bachelor's degree Master's degree + 82% 18% Age: Tenure: Salary change (2014-2015) 3.3% Total compensation 25 to 44 years Years in position $102,500 65% 6 Receive bonus 45 to 64 years Years w/ company 100% 30% 10 Male 65+ years Years in industry 53% 5% 17 L AR GE COM PA NY (Product Development) * Intelligent Portion Cutter (equal-weight) * Horizontal Multiple Slicer * Strip Cutter * Shredder * Flattener * Tender JINAN HIWELL MACHINERY CO.,LTD. Jinan China * 0086-531-84277277 | 12.15 | MEAT+ POULTRY 41 * sgx@hiwell.cc