COVER $TORY Base salary (median) Age: Tenure: Education: $107,000 25 to 44 years Years in position Bachelor's degree 9% 10 45% Salary change (2014-2015) 45 to 64 years Years w/ company Master's degree + 2.9% 82% 13 18% Total compensation 65+ years Years in industry $123,000 9% 32 Base salary (median) Age: Tenure: Education: $75,000 25 to 44 years Years in position Bachelor's degree 21% 15 29% Salary change (2014-2015) 45 to 64 years Years w/ company Master's degree + 5.6% 79% 16 7% Receive bonus 91% L ARGE COM PAN Y PL AN T MA NA G E R Male Total compensation 65+ years Years in industry $77,000 27 Receive bonus 29% 0% S MALL COMPANY 100% Male 93% | 12.15 | MEAT+ POULTRY 43