LISTERIA RESULTS IN JUST 22 HOURS ALMOST MAKES YOUR MOUTH WATER JUST THINKING ABOUT IT Thanks to the combined testing method of DuPont™ BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assays and FoodChek™ Actero™ Listeria Enrichment Media, you can now detect Listeria species and L. monocytogenes from environmental samples in about 22 hours. It's one of the fastest time to results for this pathogen in the food industry today. Getting results faster than conventional testing can mean faster product release decisions, reduced labor costs and an improved bottom line. This method is AOAC certified for detecting Listeria species (PTM #081401) and L. monocytogenes (PTM #121402) in a variety of food and environmental samples. FoodChek™ Systems Inc. is a Calgary, Alberta, Canada corporation. 1.877.298.0208 1.800.863.6842 | 01.15 | MEAT+ POULTRY 99