&MFWBUF the performance of your product. The better your packaging performs, the better your product performs. And no shrink bags perform like ClearShield® .BSBŤFY® BOE5VŢ5JUF™ from Coveris™. $MFBS4IJFMEbone-in vacuum shrink bags are crystal clear, extremely tough and provide an excellent barrier at half the thickness of traditional patch bags. .BSBŤFYCPOFMFTTWBDVVNTISJOLCBHTPŢFSIJHICBSSJFSQSPQFSUJFT PVUTUBOEJOH shrinkability, toughness and remarkable gloss and clarity. 5VŢ5JUFpoultry shrink bags provide exceptional tear and puncture resistance, excellent gloss and opacity and superior graphics. ŔJOGP!DPWFSJTDPN ©2016 COVERIS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED