$,0)25 +,*+(5 +,*+(5 352),76 6 Contents .:6NHZHULQJ0DFKLQH 0DFKLQHDGDSWVWR\RXUSURGXFW PAGE 06 6HOIWURXEOHVKRRWLQJV\VWHPZLWK ³VPDUW´WRXFKVFUHHQLQWHUIDFH 'HVLJQHGZLWKKLJKLPSRUWDQFHRQ VDIHW\VDQLWDWLRQDQGGXUDELOLW\ FKLFNHQDQGEHHIVNHZHUV Welcome (DVW/RÀDQG'U :D[DKDFKLH7H[DV 86$ S I 08 Intro 10 ZZZDIVWH[DVFRP VDOHV#DIVWH[DVFRP Schedule 14 Education 25 Facts & figures 26 Floor map 30 Exhibitors 44 Activities Fast * Accurate Dicing! with CES/Foodlogistik Dicers. * Fresh & Tempered Meat * Poultry * Cheese * Roasting Meat * Sausages * Cold Cuts Foodlogistik dicers are perfect dicing and portioning of fresh or tempered frozen meat (up to -4º) * C120 * C140 * C150 * C90 * C90+ * C105 * C105+ HABLAMOS ESPANOL LLAMAMOS HOY 46 See us at IPPE booth #B5750 NAMI letter For more information contact: Don Ballein CES/Foodlogistik U.S.A. * 2128 M So. Grove Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 U.S.A. Tel (909) 947-8511 * Fax (909) 627-0087 Toll Free 1-888-278-0885 dballein@foodlogistik.com Please visit our website www.foodlogistik.com IPPE PROCESSOR'S HANDBOOK 2017 / MEAT+ POULTRY 5http://www.afstexas.com http://www.foodlogistik.com