COVER STORY Slaughter at the plant is on Thursdays and Fridays in order to give the beef carcasses a 72-hour chill. closure was a disaster for the valley's cattle feeding industry and a catastrophe for the community. The plant had employed about 1,300 people and they were now out of work in a region where the unemployment rate was 28 percent, the highest of any county in California. So the cattle feeders worked non-stop to find a way to get the plant reopened. ,I\RXNQRZPHDW\RXQHHGWRPHHW0LOODUG &DOORQ0LOODUGIRULQWHJULW\IURPSURFHVVWRSODWWHU w :HKDYHDVSHFLDOW\ ,W¶VGHVLJQLQJVDIHW\DQGEXLOGLQJWUXVW 2XUSURGXFWLVPHDWSURFHVVLQJHTXLSPHQWVXSSRUWLQJJRDOVIRU +LJKSURGXFWLRQ\LHOGV (TXLSPHQWUHOLDELOLW\XSWLPH /LQHHIILFLHQFLHV 6DQLWDWLRQ SideKick DXWRPDWHVZHLJKLQJDQG Classifier/Kicker MILLARD TM UHGLUHFWLQJRISRUNORLQVDQGRWKHUSURGXFWVUHGXFLQJKXPDQKDQGOLQJ DQGLQFUHDVLQJ\LHOGV6HHRXUFDVHVWXG\RQOLQHDWZZZPLOODUGPIJFRP &RQWDFWXVWRGD\WRVWDUWFXVWRPL]LQJ\RXUOLQH 18 MEAT+ POULTRY | 04.17 | www.meatpoultry.com