Bacon-centric pacproinc® offers the most innovative and advanced bacon packaging automation systems available. With a specific focus on delivering the very best card dispensers, interleavers and counter/ stackers, pacproinc® products are stand-alone solutions that allow you the flexibility to choose the upstream and downstream equipment that is right for your operation. The pacproinc® Bacon System FDQSURGXFHXSWROEV RIOD\ÁDWEDFRQSHUKRXU Foodservice Flexibility Retail Reliability Flexibility is a primary feature of pacproinc® Bacon Systems. Configurable for lay-flat or bulk bacon, these interleavers and counter/ stackers improve sheet and stack quality, reduce paper costs, increase throughput, and reduce labor. The pacproinc® new bacon card dispenser is truly a fresh approach. Greater than 99% reliability means no more missed cards or card jams. Greater than 98% uptime means more product out the door. Isn't it nice when something just works? )\SR)HJVU 3H`ÅH[)HJVU Th The pacproinc® Ba Bacon Card Dispenser TXLFNO\LQVHUWVDQGGLVSHQVHV TX SOD SODVWLF SDSHUERDUGFDUGVDW FDUGVSHUPLQXWHRU SRXQGVSHUKRXU SR Scan this barcode with your smartphone to see our equipment in action! The right technology for the right solutions. phone: 610.489.8601 fax: 610.489.8691 261 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 7, Souderton, PA 18964