Changing The GRILLING GAME NEW FALCON evolution Subtle changes, major results. * * £°Óx»Ì>iÀV >LiÀvÀLiÌÌiÀ«À`ÕVÌwÌ>`Û>ÀiÌÞ Weight-controlled and bone-in cutting * * More open design for easy and thorough cleaning Easy to use and understand software interface TWISTER AT Leader in Dicing, From Fresh To Frozen * * * Delivers continuous dicing performance nce and precision while minimizing manpower er Variable blade speed to optimally suit it the e ëiVwV«À`ÕVÌLi}«ÀViÃÃi` Versatility to strip, dice, shred and slice ce enabling a wide range of applicationss Visit TREIF USA at the 78th AAMP Convention Booth #1023