Culinology - June 2018 - 20


"Fermented foods open up a
whole new layer of flavor."
Jodie Krumpe, founder, Cultured Love LLC, Zeeland, Mich.

Poke bowl with kimchi
©Tulkoff Products

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Culinology | JUNE 2018

vegetable to be pressed and become part of
the brine, the liquid environment that helps
maintain an oxygen-free environment during
"Once all the vegetables are cut, spices
and salt are added, and everything is mixed
together," Ms. Krumpe said. "The fresh kraut
mixture is allowed to sit in a temperature-controlled room to encourage the microbial activity necessary for fermentation. This is where
magic happens. It turns out that cabbage is
a vegetable naturally full of lactobacillus and
other microbes, so it is especially useful in
"Sauerkraut on its own is full of probiotics
from the fermentation process, and our flavor
varieties also contain many additional benefits."
Dillyicious, which tastes like a dill pickle,
contains anti-inflammatory turmeric. Root
for Ginger, as the name suggests, includes
ginger, which aids in digestion and has
anti-nausea properties.
Though the krauts may be
eaten alone - the company suggests having
a tablespoon before
each meal to benefit
digestion - cooking with them can
be a culinary
"In addition
to immediately
ratcheting up the
probiotic and nutritional content of
dishes, fermented
foods open up a
whole new layer
of flavor in foods
that would otherwise
be unremarkable,"Ms.
Krumpe said. "Just the
fermentation itself adds a
wonderful tangy, acidic property
when served raw, blended in a salad
or on a sandwich. And with our unique

and robust flavor profiles, the added flavor
offered by these blends of vegetables and
spices is surprisingly delicious. So not only
can it be added to simple protein dishes -
brats, burgers, fish, black bean patties and
tofu - it can also be added to salads, used
as a topping for sweet potatoes, and blended
into hummus or pesto with astounding effect
on flavor."

Wild fermentation
Cabbage is not the only vegetable that
may be fermented. In addition to a range
of flavored krauts, Wildbrine LLC, Santa
Rosa, Calif., sells fermented salsas, all made
through a process it calls wild fermentation.
"This allows fermentation to happen on
its own time and in its own way," said Rick
Goldberg, co-owner. "We add sea salt to
our veggie and spice mix, and provide the
right environment for the naturally occurring
probiotic microorganisms. Then, we let the
lactic acid created through this natural process preserve the vegetables, create bright
flavors and produce a salsa that's teeming
with robust probiotics. There is no vinegar,
added sugar or any kind of lab culture in our
Salsa Rojo is made with crunchy cabbage,
tomatoes, red peppers and Anaheim chilies.
Its green counterpart, Salsa Verde, combines
green tomatillos, fire-roasted peppers, jalapenos, cilantro and lime.
"Fermentation takes these salsas from sabrosa to fabulosa," Mr. Goldberg said. 
Watsonville, Calif.-based Farmhouse
Culture has grown beyond kraut and now
offers other organic fermented vegetables.
Ginger beets blends the earthiness of beets
with the fresh crisp zing of ginger. The orange ginger carrots product is both sweet
and tangy, while the Taqueria Mix combines
regional vegetables from south-of-the border.
Carrots, daikon radish, jalapeno, jicama and
onion ferment in a cabbage brine.
"It's the ideal taco companion. It brings
along probiotic benefits to help maintain a
healthy gut as it spices up your plate," said
Kathryn Lukas, founder. "To keep our cultures
alive and thriving, we submerge our veggies in
a considerable amount of brine. We encourage
customers to not just throw it away when they
are done, as you can use it to add probiotics
to your recipes or enjoy it as a tasty gut shot."


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Culinology - June 2018

Culinology - June 2018
TABLE of contents
PRESIDENT’S letter - on the move
EMERGING trends - Rising restaurant trends
EMERGING trends - Beyond beef jerky
Flavor Trends - Balancing authenticity & innovation
INGREDIENT trends - Fermentation driving culinary experimentation
INGREDIENT trends - Branching out with olives
MEMBER profile - The real deal
INDUSTRY news - Innovation at every corner at RCA Conference
INDUSTRY news - Recognizing industry leaders
INDUSTRY news - RCA announces new officers
INDUSTRY news - Culinology Education Foundation scholarship recipients
INDUSTRY news - upcoming events
PETITS fours - ReGrained turning trash into treasure
PETITS fours - Companies placing bets on personalized nutrition
PETITS fours - New cheese snacks feature the crunch carb-avoiders crave
PETITS fours - Chobani stretching the yogurt category
NEWS bites
Ad Index
Culinology - June 2018 - Culinology - June 2018
Culinology - June 2018 - Culinology - June 2018
Culinology - June 2018 - 2
Culinology - June 2018 - TABLE of contents
Culinology - June 2018 - PRESIDENT’S letter - on the move
Culinology - June 2018 - 5
Culinology - June 2018 - EMERGING trends - Rising restaurant trends
Culinology - June 2018 - 7
Culinology - June 2018 - EMERGING trends - Beyond beef jerky
Culinology - June 2018 - 9
Culinology - June 2018 - 10
Culinology - June 2018 - Flavor Trends - Balancing authenticity & innovation
Culinology - June 2018 - 12
Culinology - June 2018 - 13
Culinology - June 2018 - 14
Culinology - June 2018 - 15
Culinology - June 2018 - 16
Culinology - June 2018 - 17
Culinology - June 2018 - INGREDIENT trends - Fermentation driving culinary experimentation
Culinology - June 2018 - 19
Culinology - June 2018 - 20
Culinology - June 2018 - 21
Culinology - June 2018 - 22
Culinology - June 2018 - 23
Culinology - June 2018 - 24
Culinology - June 2018 - 25
Culinology - June 2018 - INGREDIENT trends - Branching out with olives
Culinology - June 2018 - 27
Culinology - June 2018 - MEMBER profile - The real deal
Culinology - June 2018 - 29
Culinology - June 2018 - 30
Culinology - June 2018 - 31
Culinology - June 2018 - 32
Culinology - June 2018 - 33
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - Innovation at every corner at RCA Conference
Culinology - June 2018 - 35
Culinology - June 2018 - 36
Culinology - June 2018 - 37
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - Recognizing industry leaders
Culinology - June 2018 - 39
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - RCA announces new officers
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - Culinology Education Foundation scholarship recipients
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - upcoming events
Culinology - June 2018 - 43
Culinology - June 2018 - PETITS fours - ReGrained turning trash into treasure
Culinology - June 2018 - PETITS fours - Companies placing bets on personalized nutrition
Culinology - June 2018 - PETITS fours - Chobani stretching the yogurt category
Culinology - June 2018 - 47
Culinology - June 2018 - NEWS bites
Culinology - June 2018 - 49
Culinology - June 2018 - Ad Index
Culinology - June 2018 - 51
Culinology - June 2018 - 52