Culinology - June 2018 - 44

PETITS fours

ReGrained turning trash into treasure
The topic of innovating with food
waste is topping trend lists as
emerging brands showcase
creative uses for such
items as coffee fruit and
leftover pulp from juice
"Our whole mission
is to reduce waste
and feed people,"
said Daniel Kurzrock,
co-founder and
chief executive officer of food startup ReGrained, San
The star ingredient
of ReGrained snack bars
is brewers' spent grain, an
unsavory term for a nutritious,
functional byproduct of beer making. The brand, which sources from
local breweries, was built as a platform for
this previously undervalued ingredient.
With help from the US Department of
Agriculture, ReGrained has developed a patent-pending technology to process and stabilize the brewery byproduct into a food-grade,
value-added ingredient called ReGrained
Supergrain+ flour.

ReGrained currently offers three snack
bars in craft beer inspired varieties, including
honey cinnamon IPA, chocolate coffee stout
and the recently added blueberry sunflower
Co-founder and chief operating officer
Jordan Schwartz developed the initial recipes
for the bars, which he and Mr. Kurzrock began selling at a local farmers market five years
ago featuring the tagline "Eat beer." Early last
year, they added people to the team, including a trained pastry chef, Philip Saneski, as
vice-president of product.
"It turns out hiring a chef helps make your
products taste good," Mr. Kurzrock said.
Mr. Saneski shared the vision and passion
for reducing food waste. "I think the restaurant chef can transform things that are typically thrown out into the garbage into things
that are really delicious," he said.
Mr. Saneski described the flavor of
ReGrained SuperGrain+ as similar to toasted
almonds or oatmeal with a graham cracker
aroma. In addition to baking applications,
the flour may be used in coatings or as a
binder or thickener, he said. ReGrained's next
products will include savory snacks such as
pretzels that showcase the grain's flavor, Mr.
Kurzrock said, describing it as "the hero, not
just in name but in taste."

Students seek solutions for spent grain
The concept for Ourgrain, a student-led initiative dedicated to finding new ways
to reuse brewers' spent grain, first bubbled up at the 2017 Research Chefs
Association (RCA) Evolution of Food Waste Competition. A group of Johnson &
Wales University students studying culinary nutrition, food science and product
development presented their concept for hazelnut doppio scones made with
spent grain, and took home first prize in the competition.
Since then, recent graduates including Jessie Pulling, Victor Eng, Ray
Holloway, Sam Gannon, Sam Burgess, Natasha Daniels and Nicole Gresko
have created a business plan and launched a Kickstarter fundraiser to support ongoing development of their vision for commercializing guilt-free treats
that have a positive impact on the environment. The students exhibited at the
RCA Culinology Expo in Savannah, Ga., this year and have been accepted into the
MassChallenge Business Accelerator program.

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Culinology | JUNE 2018


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Culinology - June 2018

Culinology - June 2018
TABLE of contents
PRESIDENT’S letter - on the move
EMERGING trends - Rising restaurant trends
EMERGING trends - Beyond beef jerky
Flavor Trends - Balancing authenticity & innovation
INGREDIENT trends - Fermentation driving culinary experimentation
INGREDIENT trends - Branching out with olives
MEMBER profile - The real deal
INDUSTRY news - Innovation at every corner at RCA Conference
INDUSTRY news - Recognizing industry leaders
INDUSTRY news - RCA announces new officers
INDUSTRY news - Culinology Education Foundation scholarship recipients
INDUSTRY news - upcoming events
PETITS fours - ReGrained turning trash into treasure
PETITS fours - Companies placing bets on personalized nutrition
PETITS fours - New cheese snacks feature the crunch carb-avoiders crave
PETITS fours - Chobani stretching the yogurt category
NEWS bites
Ad Index
Culinology - June 2018 - Culinology - June 2018
Culinology - June 2018 - Culinology - June 2018
Culinology - June 2018 - 2
Culinology - June 2018 - TABLE of contents
Culinology - June 2018 - PRESIDENT’S letter - on the move
Culinology - June 2018 - 5
Culinology - June 2018 - EMERGING trends - Rising restaurant trends
Culinology - June 2018 - 7
Culinology - June 2018 - EMERGING trends - Beyond beef jerky
Culinology - June 2018 - 9
Culinology - June 2018 - 10
Culinology - June 2018 - Flavor Trends - Balancing authenticity & innovation
Culinology - June 2018 - 12
Culinology - June 2018 - 13
Culinology - June 2018 - 14
Culinology - June 2018 - 15
Culinology - June 2018 - 16
Culinology - June 2018 - 17
Culinology - June 2018 - INGREDIENT trends - Fermentation driving culinary experimentation
Culinology - June 2018 - 19
Culinology - June 2018 - 20
Culinology - June 2018 - 21
Culinology - June 2018 - 22
Culinology - June 2018 - 23
Culinology - June 2018 - 24
Culinology - June 2018 - 25
Culinology - June 2018 - INGREDIENT trends - Branching out with olives
Culinology - June 2018 - 27
Culinology - June 2018 - MEMBER profile - The real deal
Culinology - June 2018 - 29
Culinology - June 2018 - 30
Culinology - June 2018 - 31
Culinology - June 2018 - 32
Culinology - June 2018 - 33
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - Innovation at every corner at RCA Conference
Culinology - June 2018 - 35
Culinology - June 2018 - 36
Culinology - June 2018 - 37
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - Recognizing industry leaders
Culinology - June 2018 - 39
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - RCA announces new officers
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - Culinology Education Foundation scholarship recipients
Culinology - June 2018 - INDUSTRY news - upcoming events
Culinology - June 2018 - 43
Culinology - June 2018 - PETITS fours - ReGrained turning trash into treasure
Culinology - June 2018 - PETITS fours - Companies placing bets on personalized nutrition
Culinology - June 2018 - PETITS fours - Chobani stretching the yogurt category
Culinology - June 2018 - 47
Culinology - June 2018 - NEWS bites
Culinology - June 2018 - 49
Culinology - June 2018 - Ad Index
Culinology - June 2018 - 51
Culinology - June 2018 - 52