Ocean Spray focusing on The iconic cranberry cooperative's global chief innovation officer, Rizal Hamdallah, shares his approach to new product development in the coronavirus era by Sam Danley sdanley@sosland.com Ocean Spray's global chief innovation officer, Rizal Hamdallah Photo credit: Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. 32 | Culinology | JUNE 2020 nnovation has been a driving force at Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. since its internal Lighthouse incubator launched last fall. The goal was to push the cooperative outside of its comfort zone by ideating and bringing new products to market in five months. That entrepreneurial mindset has helped the company navigate uncertainty during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. "Agility is more important than before," said Rizal Hamdallah, global chief innovation officer at Ocean Spray. "When you already I are in that game and this type of situation happens, it tests your mentality." The company is launching its Atoka line of herbalist craft beverages. The herbal tonics and herbal shots - the first new products ushered in through the Lighthouse incubator - debuted in Boston late last year and were scheduled to roll out across the country in early 2020. With retailers focused on keeping shelves stocked and protecting customers and workers, Atoka's strategy has