2016-17 Course Catalog - 26

opinions on campus social, cultural, and academic life. Student
Congress prepares proposals and submits them to the director of
student services. This student organization also serves as a means
of communication between students, faculty, and administration.

Sanctions for violation of any of the aforementioned standards
imposed on employees may vary from mandatory participation
in rehabilitation programs to termination of employment and
referral for prosecution.

Residence Hall Councils
Residents of each individual residence hall elect a council that is
responsible for the initiation and execution of policies governing
life in that particular residence hall. The Residence Hall Councils
serve as a means of communication between students, residence
hall personnel, and administration. Each council plays an
important role in establishing activities for residents.

For students, sanctions imposed by the institution for violations
of the above conditions may range from probation up to and
including expulsion and referral for criminal prosecution.

Members of the councils meet as the Joint Residence Hall Council
to discuss common issues. All residence halls are responsible for
hosting such a meeting at least once during the fall and spring

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

In support of the national strategy to combat illegal drug and
alcohol abuse, Congress has enacted the Drug-Free Workplace
and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments,
which require that "as a condition of receiving funds or any
other form of financial assistance under any federal program, an
institution of higher education or state/local educational agency
must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to
prevent the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, or distribution
of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees." Thaddeus
Stevens College of Technology has issued the following statement
to inform the community of the seriousness of the use and
abuse of drugs and alcohol and to set forth the standards of
conduct regarding such activity by students and employees of the

Community Responsibility

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology students and employees
are both citizens and members of the academic community. As
citizens, they enjoy the same rights and obligations that all other
citizens enjoy; and, as members of the academic community, they
are subject to the rights and obligations that accrue to them by
virtue of this membership. Students and employees are expected to
be honorable and ethical in every regard and to have consideration
for the welfare of others as individuals and for the community as
a whole.

Standards of Conduct

The unlawful manufacture, possession, use, misuse, abuse, or
distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol, and illegal prescription drugs
without authorization and medical supervision on institutional
property or off campus while conducting any officially sanctioned
institutional activity is strictly prohibited. If found in violation
of these standards, students and employees will be subject to
severe disciplinary action and may incur penalties prescribed by
civil authorities. Faculty and staff, as a condition of employment,
must abide by the terms of this policy and report any convictions
under criminal drug statutes for violations occurring on or off the
premises while conducting business for the institution within
five days of the conviction.
26 * Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

Definition of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol

Illicit drugs refer to certain controlled substances not prescribed
by the user's physician, including (but not limited to): marijuana
(including hashish); stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine);
depressants; hallucinogens (including PCP); opiates or narcotics
(heroin, morphine, opium); inhalants (sprays, solvents, glue); and
designer drugs (synthetic drugs similar in effect to stimulants,
hallucinogens, and narcotics, including GHB and Ecstasy). This
list is not comprehensive.
In addition to illicit drugs, illegal prescription drugs that are used
without authorization and medical supervision can also pose a
serious threat to both the physical and mental well-being of the user.
Alcohol is a depressant that slows the activity of the central
nervous system and the brain. Alcohol is a substance regulated
by local, state, and federal agencies with respect to its purchase,
transportation, consumption, and possession.

Health Risks

All drugs, including alcohol, can produce serious side effects.
This is true even of prescription or other legal drugs when used
as prescribed, but their risks are weighed against their benefits
by medical professionals in the therapeutic context. Prescription
drugs used without a prescription and medical supervision can
pose a serious threat to the well-being of the user. Because the
drugs listed below impair the mind, they increase likelihood of
accidents and violent behavior. The many health risks associated
with alcohol use are well documented. Small amounts may affect
judgment and coordination, impairing performance of even
simple routine tasks. The repeated use of alcohol can lead to
dependence, with multiple physical, emotional, and psychological
complications. Effects of the prolonged use of alcohol may include
damage to the central nervous system; malnutrition and anemia;
damage to the heart, lungs, and liver; mental disorders; and death.
Health risks associated with the seven categories of illicit drugs
may include the following:
* Marijuana: impaired memory, lung and pulmonary damage,
chronic emphysema, cancer.
* Stimulants: paranoia, hallucinations, dizziness, headaches,
abdominal cramps, malnutrition, overstimulation of the
central nervous system, seizures, stroke, heart failure, death.
* Depressants: initial effects similar to alcohol inebriation,
slowed reflexes, unstable mood, loss of memory, coma, death.
* Hallucinogens: distortion of reality, including illusions and
hallucinations, injury of self or others, convulsions, brain
damage, coma, death.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2016-17 Course Catalog

2016-17 Course Catalog - 1
2016-17 Course Catalog - 2
2016-17 Course Catalog - 3
2016-17 Course Catalog - 4
2016-17 Course Catalog - 5
2016-17 Course Catalog - 6
2016-17 Course Catalog - 7
2016-17 Course Catalog - 8
2016-17 Course Catalog - 9
2016-17 Course Catalog - 10
2016-17 Course Catalog - 11
2016-17 Course Catalog - 12
2016-17 Course Catalog - 13
2016-17 Course Catalog - 14
2016-17 Course Catalog - 15
2016-17 Course Catalog - 16
2016-17 Course Catalog - 17
2016-17 Course Catalog - 18
2016-17 Course Catalog - 19
2016-17 Course Catalog - 20
2016-17 Course Catalog - 21
2016-17 Course Catalog - 22
2016-17 Course Catalog - 23
2016-17 Course Catalog - 24
2016-17 Course Catalog - 25
2016-17 Course Catalog - 26
2016-17 Course Catalog - 27
2016-17 Course Catalog - 28
2016-17 Course Catalog - 29
2016-17 Course Catalog - 30
2016-17 Course Catalog - 31
2016-17 Course Catalog - 32
2016-17 Course Catalog - 33
2016-17 Course Catalog - 34
2016-17 Course Catalog - 35
2016-17 Course Catalog - 36
2016-17 Course Catalog - 37
2016-17 Course Catalog - 38
2016-17 Course Catalog - 39
2016-17 Course Catalog - 40
2016-17 Course Catalog - 41
2016-17 Course Catalog - 42
2016-17 Course Catalog - 43
2016-17 Course Catalog - 44
2016-17 Course Catalog - 45
2016-17 Course Catalog - 46
2016-17 Course Catalog - 47
2016-17 Course Catalog - 48
2016-17 Course Catalog - 49
2016-17 Course Catalog - 50
2016-17 Course Catalog - 51
2016-17 Course Catalog - 52
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