2016-17 Course Catalog - 32
Further, the student, not an individual acting on behalf of the
student must disclose. The student is also responsible for following
procedures for using accommodations, and has the right to
decline accommodations. Disability information is protected
under laws such as FERPA and HIPPA; which limits the sharing
of information to only individuals who have a specific need to
know, and to those individuals whom the student has designated
through a signed release. Specific documentation must define
the disability in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the
Amendment Act of 2009. Documentation must be current, and
provide evidence of a disability that affects a major life activity.
Specific accommodations should be cited and relate directly to the
disability. Accommodations or services provided by community
based providers must be approved and coordinated through
the Counseling and Disabilities Office. It is recommended that
documentation be provided during the application process, prior
to enrollment. A Transitional Interview is recommended for all
students who request accommodations. Documentation provided
by applicants who are not admitted will only be maintained for one
academic year. For further information contact Ms. Schuch, at
schuch@stevenscollege.edu or review information available at www.
stevenscollege.edu under Counseling and Disabilities heading.
Any questions regarding the approval or implementation of
accommodations should be discussed with the Disabilities
Coordinator. Any issues will be resolved through discussion
among the instructor, Disabilities Coordinator, student, and if
necessary the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Grievance
Procedure Steps: Students with documented disabilities are
eligible for reasonable accommodations in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act and Amendment Act (ADAAA).
These accommodations are determined by the Disabilities
Coordinator in conjunction with the student and his or her
treating physician or medical provider. The student then has the
responsibility to inform individuals who have a need to know by
providing them with a copy of the signed Accommodations Form.
If the student has any questions or concerns regarding the nature
of any accommodation provided or the process by which the
accommodations is being provided, the student may schedule a
meeting with the Disabilities Coordinator. In the event the student
disagrees with the outcome of any meeting with the Disabilities
Coordinator and requests additional review, the student recognizes
and agrees to permit information related to his/her disability to
be shared with faculty, staff, administrators, and legal counsel to
determine appropriate action.
Challenge of Reasonable Accommodations:
If a student disagrees with any accommodations offered by the
Disabilities Coordinator, the student has the right to have the
decision reviewed through the following steps:
1) Request a meeting with the Disabilities Coordinator to review
documentation, and related accommodations request. A summary
of the meeting will be provided to the student with a copy placed
in the student's file.
2) Submit a Written Request- If the student does not think the
situation is resolved, the student must submit a written request
to the Director of Student Services or the VP of Academic Affairs
32 * Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
for a review of the situation. The administrators will review the
decision made by the Disabilities Coordinator, and the student's
concerns to determine if the student's request is denied or
approved. A written decision must be provided to the student, and
a copy placed in the student's file in the Disability Coordinator's
Office, with copies provided to any other individuals involved in
providing accommodations to the student.
3) Approved Accommodations- If a student believes that the
accommodations she/he has been approved by the College are not
being provided or being provided in a manner inconsistent with
the approval, the student should take the following steps:
1) The Student should request a meeting with the individual,
who is responsible for providing the accommodation to
discuss the student's disability and accommodations needs.
2) The Student should schedule a meeting with the Disabilities
Coordinator to discuss his or her issues and/or concerns.
3) If the situation is not resolved then the student should
request a meeting with the VP of Academic Affairs or Director
of Student Services as described above.
At each step of the review process documentation of the decisions
and actions taken by the individuals involved in reviewing the
decision will be placed in the student's academic file, with copies to
those individuals with a need to know. Students are reminded that:
1) Not all accommodations available in high school are available
in college.
2) Colleges do have the right to deny accommodations with respect
to the specific requirements of a course, or a program of study.
3) Students must initiate the process by meeting with the
Disabilities Coordinator, and by providing the documentation
requested prior to receiving services.
Note: Revealing a disability to a specific instructor or staff member
is not considered disclosure.
4) Accommodations are not retroactive; therefore, students are
encouraged to disclose prior to starting classes, and to renew
accommodations at the start of each semester, rather than waiting
for a problem to develop before requesting services.
On Campus
Students are employed by the College each year to work in the
library, residence halls, intramural programs, athletic programs,
student tutors, and throughout the campus. Student positions
sometimes require up to 20 hours of work per week. Job
applications are available through the Office of Student Services.
(Students are paid at the current minimum wage.)
Off Campus
Local companies call the College during the scholastic year in
search of evening and weekend workers. These positions, some of
which require specialized technical skills, are advertised by the vice
president for academic affairs. In addition, calls are received from
private individuals seeking temporary help. Openings are posted
on the bulletin board outside the Office of Academic Affairs.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2016-17 Course Catalog
2016-17 Course Catalog - 1
2016-17 Course Catalog - 2
2016-17 Course Catalog - 3
2016-17 Course Catalog - 4
2016-17 Course Catalog - 5
2016-17 Course Catalog - 6
2016-17 Course Catalog - 7
2016-17 Course Catalog - 8
2016-17 Course Catalog - 9
2016-17 Course Catalog - 10
2016-17 Course Catalog - 11
2016-17 Course Catalog - 12
2016-17 Course Catalog - 13
2016-17 Course Catalog - 14
2016-17 Course Catalog - 15
2016-17 Course Catalog - 16
2016-17 Course Catalog - 17
2016-17 Course Catalog - 18
2016-17 Course Catalog - 19
2016-17 Course Catalog - 20
2016-17 Course Catalog - 21
2016-17 Course Catalog - 22
2016-17 Course Catalog - 23
2016-17 Course Catalog - 24
2016-17 Course Catalog - 25
2016-17 Course Catalog - 26
2016-17 Course Catalog - 27
2016-17 Course Catalog - 28
2016-17 Course Catalog - 29
2016-17 Course Catalog - 30
2016-17 Course Catalog - 31
2016-17 Course Catalog - 32
2016-17 Course Catalog - 33
2016-17 Course Catalog - 34
2016-17 Course Catalog - 35
2016-17 Course Catalog - 36
2016-17 Course Catalog - 37
2016-17 Course Catalog - 38
2016-17 Course Catalog - 39
2016-17 Course Catalog - 40
2016-17 Course Catalog - 41
2016-17 Course Catalog - 42
2016-17 Course Catalog - 43
2016-17 Course Catalog - 44
2016-17 Course Catalog - 45
2016-17 Course Catalog - 46
2016-17 Course Catalog - 47
2016-17 Course Catalog - 48
2016-17 Course Catalog - 49
2016-17 Course Catalog - 50
2016-17 Course Catalog - 51
2016-17 Course Catalog - 52
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2016-17 Course Catalog - 79
2016-17 Course Catalog - 80
2016-17 Course Catalog - 81
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