2016-17 Course Catalog - 33
Computer Labs
Course Selection and Graduation Requirements
Classification of Students
With an academic advisor's help, students should schedule and
register for the required general education courses listed on
their model schedules. Departures from these requirements are
only acceptable if approved by the academic advisor and the vice
president for academic affairs.
Many computer labs are found on campus, most of which are
dedicated to a specific technical area. A general computer lab,
located in the lower level of the Learning Resources Center,
serves the campus for computer classes, general assignments,
e-mail functions, and internet research and exploration. This lab
is available to students at various times during the day and in the
evenings until 10 pm.
A full-time student must maintain at least 12 credits during a
semester. Exceptions require the approval of the vice president for
academic affairs.
Part-time students are those who are registered for fewer than
12 credits. The College will accept part-time, tuition-paying,
nonresident students into general education, technical, and
evening courses, provided that vacancies exist in a particular area.
The tuition rate is by contact hour. Further information is available
in the Office of Financial Aid and Registration.
General Education Requirements
General education courses are required of all majors at Thaddeus
Stevens College of Technology. These courses support academic
work within the major, enhance employment skills, and help
prepare students for full, effective lives as citizens.
Students are required to successfully complete a total of 25 general
education credits for graduation. General education courses
include the liberal arts and science core and general education
applied courses.
Liberal Arts and Science Core
These courses emphasize theoretical concepts, critical and
analytical thinking skills, and numerical and verbal literacy.
Students are required to successfully complete at least 18 credits
from the liberal arts and science core.
These 18 credits must include 1 course from each of the following
4 core areas:
* Mathematics (MATH)
* English (ENG)
* Science (includes PHYS, BIO, etc.)
* Humanities (includes all SOC, ECON, HIST)
General Education Applied Courses
These courses emphasize practical application of skills are general
in scope and content (non-major specific), support student
employability, academic achievement, and student personal
Courses include:
* Business (BUSN)
* Computer Information Systems (CIS)
* Health (HEAL)
Students may apply up to 7 general education applied course
credits to graduation requirements.
Because of the number of students who normally register for
classes, on-time registration is encouraged. Specific days/times
are established for this process. The sophomore class has priority
in signing up for general education classes. Students may obtain
copies of the model schedule from their academic advisors.
Students are responsible for fulfilling their graduation
requirements, whether general education or technical. Academic
advisors assist students in planning course selections, but the final
responsibility for meeting graduation requirements rests with
each student.
Academic Year/Semesters
The academic year is divided into two sessions of 16 weeks: a
fall and a spring semester. Summer sessions are held from May
through August for pre-major and program courses.
Finals Week
Although finals are administrated in most technical and general
education courses during the last week of the semester, the regular
class schedule is followed. A special final exam timetable is not
instituted. Students with questions about their finals or special
final projects should discuss them with the instructor of the class
during the semester.
Academic Overload
The normal credit hour load is 19 credit hours per semester.
Students who wish to enroll for more than 19 credit hours should
complete the course overload request form available in the Office
of Financial Aid and Registration. Students who wish to schedule
an overload must have the permission of their academic advisor
and the vice president for academic affairs.
Change of Schedule
After a student is officially registered, changes to the schedule may
be made through the official policy of adding and/or dropping a
Drop/Add and Withdrawal Policies
Students may drop, add, or withdraw from courses in accordance
with the procedures. Students must recognize that dropping,
adding, or withdrawing from courses may have serious
These consequences may include the following:
* Loss of grants (e.g., Federal Pell Grants)
* Loss of full-time student status
* Loss of credit for courses
* Inability to graduate
Students may not be able to make up courses at the College
(especially technical courses) unless during the semester that the
course is offered. Students must obtain all required signatures
on an official drop/add or withdrawal form and turn in the
appropriate form to the Office of Financial Aid and Registration by
the published deadline. A student who leaves the College without
completing and turning in the form may receive failing grades.
A student must take a minimum of 12 credits each semester to
maintain full-time status.
Academic Catalog * 33
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2016-17 Course Catalog
2016-17 Course Catalog - 1
2016-17 Course Catalog - 2
2016-17 Course Catalog - 3
2016-17 Course Catalog - 4
2016-17 Course Catalog - 5
2016-17 Course Catalog - 6
2016-17 Course Catalog - 7
2016-17 Course Catalog - 8
2016-17 Course Catalog - 9
2016-17 Course Catalog - 10
2016-17 Course Catalog - 11
2016-17 Course Catalog - 12
2016-17 Course Catalog - 13
2016-17 Course Catalog - 14
2016-17 Course Catalog - 15
2016-17 Course Catalog - 16
2016-17 Course Catalog - 17
2016-17 Course Catalog - 18
2016-17 Course Catalog - 19
2016-17 Course Catalog - 20
2016-17 Course Catalog - 21
2016-17 Course Catalog - 22
2016-17 Course Catalog - 23
2016-17 Course Catalog - 24
2016-17 Course Catalog - 25
2016-17 Course Catalog - 26
2016-17 Course Catalog - 27
2016-17 Course Catalog - 28
2016-17 Course Catalog - 29
2016-17 Course Catalog - 30
2016-17 Course Catalog - 31
2016-17 Course Catalog - 32
2016-17 Course Catalog - 33
2016-17 Course Catalog - 34
2016-17 Course Catalog - 35
2016-17 Course Catalog - 36
2016-17 Course Catalog - 37
2016-17 Course Catalog - 38
2016-17 Course Catalog - 39
2016-17 Course Catalog - 40
2016-17 Course Catalog - 41
2016-17 Course Catalog - 42
2016-17 Course Catalog - 43
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