2016-17 Course Catalog - 68

ARCH 106 (3 credits)
Fundamentals of Architectural Design

Serves as an introduction to architectural drafting. Focuses on
communication of design concepts and instructions to builders.
Investigation and analysis of drawings and other means to
communicate architecture. Exploration and development of an
individual's communication of ideas and thoughts by means of
graphic representation.

ARCH 111 (3 credits)
Materials of Construction

Presents fundamental aspects of the design profession. Involves
the application and technology of materials. An appreciation of
the limits and the potential of materials is fundamental to wellexecuted designs. Investigation and analysis of actual materials
and their application as a means to give form and substance to
creative ideas.

ARCH 116 (3 credits)
Residential Details

Research of specific building elements necessary for construction.
Application of knowledge and creativity in the development of
details. Typical and standard details applicable to residential
construction. Learning how to communicate with the construction
crew. Involves sketch details and drafted details. Also requires
drawings and exercises showing typical details and drafting skills.

ARCH 122 (2 credits)
Autodesk® Architecture®

Intensive introduction to CAD including computer literacy,
hardware, software, input, output, printing, introductory
computer drafting skills, and completion of specific drawing
exercises. Instruction is based on current Autodesk® Architecture®
(the industry standard software program). Use of CAD to draw
architectural elements such as floor plans, lighting, furniture, wall
treatments, and other related elements.
Co-requisite: ARCH 123

ARCH 123 (2 credits)
Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Course teaches students to design and construct using building
information modeling (BIM) methodology. BIM employs the
concept of parametric modeling by assigning information
to three-dimensional objects and automatically updating
building components as the model changes or evolves. Using
BIM, students generate orthographic drawings and supporting
documentation, which may include specifications, schedules,
cost management, etc. BIM provides continuous and immediate
feedback for students. Through this course, students will become
competent in using BIM as a new and efficient way for multidisciplines to work collaboratively. The software used for this
course is Autodesk® Revit®.
Co-requisite: ARCH 122

68 * Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

ARCH 156 (2 credits)
Specifications, Estimating, and Contracts

Introduction to three important aspects of architectural
technology: Construction specifications, estimating, and design
services contracts. Students learn about the differences between
residential, commercial, and federal specifications. The basics of
cost estimating for construction is also incorporated, along with
simple cost estimates using calculators and computers. Students
learn about the provisions that make up typical design services
and construction contracts, the legal language, the link between
contracts, government regulations, and working drawings.

ARCH 161 (4 credits)
Working Drawings

Students design their own houses in this capstone course, creating
a complete set of working drawings including site plans, floor
plans, elevations, building sections, wall sections, details, and
schedules. Students prepare preliminary presentation drawings;
create a presentation model and a structural model; and prepare a
full set of working drawings. CAD is used to prepare all drawings.

ARCH 166 (2 credits)
Rendering and Illustrations

Students learn how to use perspective, color, shadow, and
computer-aided animation and rendering to illustrate architectural
design. Work in this course builds on skills explored in previous
Prerequisite: ARCH 106

ARCH 172 (3 credits)
Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD)

An intensive follow-up to ARCH 122 and 123, this course uses
AutoCAD® for efficient production of architectural drawings.
Completes the development of a solid foundation of CAD skills
designed to give students appropriate entry-level CAD skills.
Prerequisites: ARCH 122 and ARCH 123 (minimum grade of "D"
in both)

ARCH 206 (4 credits)
Advanced Methods and Materials of Construction

Detailed investigation of commercial construction systems with a
more in-depth review of construction materials than introduced
in the first year. Materials considered in a systems approach,
including floor, wall, roof, glazing, and finish systems. Selected
criteria of cost, installation, long-term material performance,
limitations, and whole-building integration are identified for
individual materials.
Prerequisite: ARCH 161

ARCH 211 (2 credits)
Structural Systems

Historical development of structures. Includes the loads and
stability of structures. Identifies various stresses, including
tension, compression, sheer, and bending. Looks at design
requirements, characteristics, limitations, and rules of thumb
utilizing wood, steel, and concrete systems; analyzes beams,
columns, frames, trusses, and connection components and
details in structural design.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2016-17 Course Catalog

2016-17 Course Catalog - 1
2016-17 Course Catalog - 2
2016-17 Course Catalog - 3
2016-17 Course Catalog - 4
2016-17 Course Catalog - 5
2016-17 Course Catalog - 6
2016-17 Course Catalog - 7
2016-17 Course Catalog - 8
2016-17 Course Catalog - 9
2016-17 Course Catalog - 10
2016-17 Course Catalog - 11
2016-17 Course Catalog - 12
2016-17 Course Catalog - 13
2016-17 Course Catalog - 14
2016-17 Course Catalog - 15
2016-17 Course Catalog - 16
2016-17 Course Catalog - 17
2016-17 Course Catalog - 18
2016-17 Course Catalog - 19
2016-17 Course Catalog - 20
2016-17 Course Catalog - 21
2016-17 Course Catalog - 22
2016-17 Course Catalog - 23
2016-17 Course Catalog - 24
2016-17 Course Catalog - 25
2016-17 Course Catalog - 26
2016-17 Course Catalog - 27
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2016-17 Course Catalog - 29
2016-17 Course Catalog - 30
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2016-17 Course Catalog - 32
2016-17 Course Catalog - 33
2016-17 Course Catalog - 34
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