2016-17 Course Catalog - 77
CADT 130 (3 Credits)
Advanced AutoCAD® Applications
CADT 211 (3 Credits)
Metals Fabrication Drafting
Prerequisite: CADT 120 or instructor approval
Prerequisite: CADT 171
CADT 150 (3 Credits)
Introduction to AutoDesk Inventor® Applications
Co-requisite: CADT 207 or instructor approval
An advanced application of 2D orthographic skills utilizing
AutoCAD® integrating knowledge of software commands
with drafting standards. Students also experience advanced
2D commands, system variables, symbols libraries, attributes,
customization, and macros. During the course, students create a
series of mechanical working drawings packets.
An AutoCAD Inventor® applications course with an emphasis on
solid modeling parts and basic assemblies and the transition from
3D solid models to 2D working drawings.
Prerequisite: CADT 130 or instructor approval
CADT 160 (3 Credits)
Advanced AutoDesk Inventor® Applications
An advanced AutoDesk Inventor® applications course with an
emphasis on advanced modeling of parts, advanced assemblies,
and working drawings and the generation of 2D working drawings
from the solid models. Add-on packages such as pipe and tube,
sheet metal, weldments, and wire harness diagrams are explored.
Prerequisite: CADT 150 or instructor approval
CADT 168 (3 Credits)
Piping and Cabling
An intermediate drafting course covering the topics appropriate
for reading and creating the working drawings necessary to
instruct in the assembly of piping and equipment for industrial
processes. Students are also exposed to cable and harness drafting
and the process in which drawings are created.
Co-requisites: CADT 150 and CADT 160 or instructor approval
CADT 171 (3 Credits)
Processes of Manufacturing
An introduction to the processes commonly employed in the
conversion of raw materials into finished products. This course
provides students with a solid understanding of the operations
necessary to cast, mold, form, separate, condition, assemble, and
apply surface finishes to manufactured products.
Prerequisite: CADT 105
Co-requisite: CADT 150 or instructor approval
CADT 207 (3 Credits)
Geometric Tolerancing
A study of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
dimensioning guidelines including geometric dimensioning and
tolerancing (GD&T). This course emphasizes the creation and
usage of the drafting symbols necessary to define the form, fit, and
function of mechanical components.
Co-requisite: CADT 211
An intermediate drafting course covering the topics pertinent to
reading and creating the working drawings necessary to instruct
welders and metal fabricators in the creation of welded assemblies.
This course includes a thorough review of industrial welding
drafting practices and practical applications of the symbols
required to specify them in an assembly.
CADT 220 (3 Credits)
Introduction to SolidWorks® Applications
Introduces students to the essential applications with an emphasis
on how to use the SolidWorks® mechanical design software to
build parametric models of parts and assemblies and how to make
drawings of those parts and assemblies.
Prerequisites: CADT 112 and CADT 160 or instructor approval
CADT 230 (3 Credits)
Advanced SolidWorks® Applications
Advanced SolidWorks® applications course focuses on developing
skills central to the successful use of SolidWorks® parametric
software. It is designed for SolidWorks users who have mastered
the basics of parametric solid model design but who need to
continue building skills for working with imported models,
surface modeling, and an introduction to finite element analysis
(FEA) using simulation software and model analysis. Prerequisite:
CADT 220 or instructor approval
CADT 250 (3 Credits)
Introduction to Pro/Engineer® Applications
Introduces students to the essential applications that focuses
on learning core-modeling skills in this comprehensive, handson course. Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies,
drawings, and basic model management techniques. The course
also includes a comprehensive design project that enables to
practice new skills by creating realistic parts, assemblies, and
Prerequisite: CADT 230 or instructor approval
CADT 260 (3 Credits)
Advanced Pro/Engineer® Applications
Focuses on developing skills central to the successful use of Pro/
Engineer® parametric software. It is designed for Pro/Engineer®
users who have mastered the basics of parametric solid model
design but who need to continue building skills for working with
imported models, surface modeling, sheet metal models and
mechanism design which permits users to animate their assemblies
in a mechanical fashion. Other skills covered are simplified reps,
top-down design, flexible components, shrink-wrap feature,
skeleton models, layouts, and advanced drafting commands.
Prerequisite: CADT 250 or instructor approval
Academic Catalog * 77
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2016-17 Course Catalog
2016-17 Course Catalog - 1
2016-17 Course Catalog - 2
2016-17 Course Catalog - 3
2016-17 Course Catalog - 4
2016-17 Course Catalog - 5
2016-17 Course Catalog - 6
2016-17 Course Catalog - 7
2016-17 Course Catalog - 8
2016-17 Course Catalog - 9
2016-17 Course Catalog - 10
2016-17 Course Catalog - 11
2016-17 Course Catalog - 12
2016-17 Course Catalog - 13
2016-17 Course Catalog - 14
2016-17 Course Catalog - 15
2016-17 Course Catalog - 16
2016-17 Course Catalog - 17
2016-17 Course Catalog - 18
2016-17 Course Catalog - 19
2016-17 Course Catalog - 20
2016-17 Course Catalog - 21
2016-17 Course Catalog - 22
2016-17 Course Catalog - 23
2016-17 Course Catalog - 24
2016-17 Course Catalog - 25
2016-17 Course Catalog - 26
2016-17 Course Catalog - 27
2016-17 Course Catalog - 28
2016-17 Course Catalog - 29
2016-17 Course Catalog - 30
2016-17 Course Catalog - 31
2016-17 Course Catalog - 32
2016-17 Course Catalog - 33
2016-17 Course Catalog - 34
2016-17 Course Catalog - 35
2016-17 Course Catalog - 36
2016-17 Course Catalog - 37
2016-17 Course Catalog - 38
2016-17 Course Catalog - 39
2016-17 Course Catalog - 40
2016-17 Course Catalog - 41
2016-17 Course Catalog - 42
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