The Tower Fall 2020 - 8
in Community
The Electrical Technology program at Thaddeus Stevens
College of Technology has been named a winner of the
Excellence and Equity in Community College STEM Award
by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program and the
Siemens Foundation.
Eight winning programs across the country are receiving
this award for not only providing outstanding preparation
for high-demand jobs in advanced manufacturing, energy,
healthcare, or information technology, but also for their
intentional outreach and support of diverse populations
that typically are underrepresented in science, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM) careers.
Winning colleges receive $50,000. Half will be allocated
for program development, and half will be allocated as
scholarships for outstanding students, known as Siemens
Technical Scholars.
As part of the award, Thaddeus Stevens College of
Technology, in partnership with the Aspen Institute, has
selected four students to be recognized as Siemens
Technical Scholars. Each student will receive a scholarship
of $6,250 toward continuing education or to pay student
loan debt. These diverse scholars will share their stories
with their peers to demonstrate the economic opportunity
available in STEM careers. Thaddeus Stevens College of
Technology has named the following sophomore students
as Siemens Technical Scholars:
Aislyn Eberhard - Pottstown; Technical College High
School / Owen J Roberts High School;
8 The Tower
Charon Navarro - Coatesville; Octorara Area High
School; Intern at Tyson Foods summer 2020;
Chedlar Laurent - Lancaster; JP McCaskey High School;
Intern at Can Corp of America Summer 2020;
Micah Whitesel - Mifflintown; Juniata High School.
Thaddeus Stevens College Electrical Technology Professor,
Jon Kramer, pointed to the College's " Stevens Grant, "
as the cornerstone of the College's passion for equity
in higher education. " The College targets Pell-eligible,
minority, female, and veteran candidates, strategically
targeting recruiting efforts toward school districts with high
percentages of low-income and minority demographics.
Pell-eligible students attend the College on the Stevens
Grant, which covers tuition, books, tools, room and meals,
essentially providing a free education to Grant students.
In Fall of 2018, more than 41 percent of the Electrical
Technology students attended on the Stevens Grant, "
he explained. " And more than 27 percent of Electrical
Technology students were underrepresented minority
students. Recruiting this population remains key to
achieving our Founder's vision for the College. "
" We are honored and proud to receive this national award
recognizing the outstanding education we provide at
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, " stated President
Pedro Rivera. " Thaddeus Stevens College has always
offered, and will continue to offer, a unique educational
opportunity that is mission-focused on ensuring equitable
access to a higher education resulting in employment at a
family-sustaining wage, " he added.
The Tower Fall 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Tower Fall 2020
The Tower Fall 2020 - 1
The Tower Fall 2020 - 2
The Tower Fall 2020 - 3
The Tower Fall 2020 - 4
The Tower Fall 2020 - 5
The Tower Fall 2020 - 6
The Tower Fall 2020 - 7
The Tower Fall 2020 - 8
The Tower Fall 2020 - 9
The Tower Fall 2020 - 10
The Tower Fall 2020 - 11
The Tower Fall 2020 - 12
The Tower Fall 2020 - 13
The Tower Fall 2020 - 14
The Tower Fall 2020 - 15
The Tower Fall 2020 - 16
The Tower Fall 2020 - 17
The Tower Fall 2020 - 18
The Tower Fall 2020 - 19
The Tower Fall 2020 - 20