The Tower Spring 2021 - 12

A Visionary
Enters Retirement
Alex Munro Retires From Thaddeus
Stevens Foundation & Alumni Association


fter 30 years at the helm
of Thaddeus Stevens
Foundation and Alumni
Association, Alex Munro
announced his retirement
effective December 31, 2020.
Alex has been the heart and
soul of Thaddeus Stevens
College of Technology and the
legacy he leaves behind will be
remembered far into the future.

Alex Munro made great contributions to the College during his tenure. The following are
some of his biggest accomplishments.
 His role in strategic visioning and
generating support of the opening
of new programs and locations to
better meet the needs of students and
industry across the Commonwealth,
including: the Kenneth W. Schuler
Learning Resources Center to
house expanded academic support
services and a new library; the new
Multipurpose Activity Center and
renovated football stadium/scoreboard
to support student athletics and
activity on campus; the development
and conversion of the former
Community Hospital of Lancaster on
Orange Street to a College location,
expanding student housing and
program capacity; the vision and
realization of the Greiner Advanced
Manufacturing Center to expand
high-demand program capacity;
the continuation and elevation of
12  The Tower

the College's signature housing
construction project, giving students
across majors hands-on experience in
constructing homes that provide muchneeded housing in our community;
 His leadership and support in the
passage of House Bill 1027, advancing
the institution from a trade school to
a two-year college in order to better
fulfill the vision of College benefactor,
Thaddeus Stevens, to provide access
to higher education regardless of
 His participation in the drive to pass
Act 187, giving the College autonomy
and creating a culture of evidence
that allowed the College to utilize
performance-based management to
better fulfill the College mission; and

 His role in the development of an
expanded community network of
agencies, partnerships, and innovative
programs, including a unique K-12
partnership with the School District
of Lancaster, in which Mr. Munro
served as an in-classroom presenter to
kindergarteners, sharing his passion for
the message that higher education can
and will change the circumstances of
the lives of Thaddeus Stevens College
of Technology graduates.


The Tower Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Tower Spring 2021

The Tower Spring 2021 - 1
The Tower Spring 2021 - 2
The Tower Spring 2021 - 3
The Tower Spring 2021 - 4
The Tower Spring 2021 - 5
The Tower Spring 2021 - 6
The Tower Spring 2021 - 7
The Tower Spring 2021 - 8
The Tower Spring 2021 - 9
The Tower Spring 2021 - 10
The Tower Spring 2021 - 11
The Tower Spring 2021 - 12
The Tower Spring 2021 - 13
The Tower Spring 2021 - 14
The Tower Spring 2021 - 15
The Tower Spring 2021 - 16