The Tower Spring 2021 - 5


We regret to announce that the
Stevens Scramble Golf Outing has
been postponed again this year.
Until COVID restrictions are lifted,
the committee felt it was in the
best interest of everyone's safety
and comfort to postpone it until
next June. We look forward to a
bigger and better event in 2022!


A Generous Donation


hanks to a generous donation from alum Red Deibler and his wife,
Jan, the Foundation was able to purchase a beautiful new wrestling
mat for the Athletic Department! In addition, their gift recently
repainted and refinished the gym floor, which had yellowed over
the years.
Wayne " Red " Deibler is a 1957 graduate of the Carpentry program
at Stevens, and has been a great supporter of the Stevens wrestling
program over the past years.
Red, we greatly appreciate your generosity to your alma mater and
hope you and Jan can visit campus someday soon!

There will not be an alumni
banquet held this year, as the
campus is still closed to the public
for the health and safety of our
students, faculty and staff.


Just a reminder that if you haven't
paid alumni dues for 2021, there's
still time! We hope you'll consider
becoming a supporting member
of your alma mater's Alumni
Association. Dues are $50 for the
year and may be paid online at or
mail a check to Thaddeus Stevens
Alumni Association, 740 East End
Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17602.


Mervine, '60
Graphic Communications &


e recently heard from Thomas Mervine, who graduated
in 1960 from the Graphic Communications & Printing
program. Upon graduation, he worked at Bethlehem Steel
Corporation in their printing plant. After two years, he was
drafted into the Army and served as an instructor at the US
Army Engineering School at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Upon
discharge from the Army, Tom returned to Bethlehem Steel
and worked there until 1966. After some time with Harris
Communications, he left and started his own business in the
printing industry, which he continued to operate until 2003
when he retired. Tom then went to live in Bangkok, Thailand
from 2003 until 2009, then moved to the Philippine Islands until
2019. He is now back in the United States and would love to
hear from anyone in the Class of 1960 (

Thaddeus Stevens College of
Technology announced plans to
freeze tuition for the 2021 - 2022
academic year, which starts Fall,
2021. The freeze was approved by
the College Board of Trustees at
the March 2, 2021 meeting.
Our students and their families are
continuing to feel the pressures of
the pandemic. By its very mission,
our College addresses economic
barriers to accessing a college
degree and commits to breaking
down these roadblocks. A tuition
freeze is one more step we can
take to help ease the challenges
our students have had to deal with
this past year.
The College will also waive
activity fees for academic year
2021 - 2022.
Spring 2021  5

The Tower Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Tower Spring 2021

The Tower Spring 2021 - 1
The Tower Spring 2021 - 2
The Tower Spring 2021 - 3
The Tower Spring 2021 - 4
The Tower Spring 2021 - 5
The Tower Spring 2021 - 6
The Tower Spring 2021 - 7
The Tower Spring 2021 - 8
The Tower Spring 2021 - 9
The Tower Spring 2021 - 10
The Tower Spring 2021 - 11
The Tower Spring 2021 - 12
The Tower Spring 2021 - 13
The Tower Spring 2021 - 14
The Tower Spring 2021 - 15
The Tower Spring 2021 - 16