The Tower Spring 2021 - 7
Steve. " He knew I was interested in
printing and helped steer me to work
in the industry. "
Steve first started working in printing
when he was attending Lancaster
Catholic High School.
" I got a job with Forry and Hacker
located on Liberty Street in
Lancaster. My first job was to melt
down the lead lines of type from
previous printings. The metal was
poured into molds to make bars of
metal called 'pigs,' The pigs were
then remelted in the Linotype
machines to cast new lines of type
for new printings. "
" When I turned 16, I was taught
to operate hand-fed presses, " he
said. " Those presses were used to
print small jobs like business cards,
postcards, and envelopes. "
After high school graduation, Steve
had the choice between attending
MIT or Thaddeus Stevens College.
He toured Thaddeus Stevens College
and found the printing department
was using equipment that he was
already familiar with. He chose
Thaddeus Stevens College and lived
at home while he attended.
Steve's son, Ronald Pettis, began
his career following in his father's
footsteps and working for a printing
company. While he did not attend
Thaddeus Stevens College, he
developed a connection
to it.
" I was working in cybersecurity at a
printing company with an alum when
I was asked to address computer
science classes at Thaddeus Stevens
College in 2018 and 2019, " said
Grandson Shawn Pettis, who grew up
in Millersville, is the latest generation
of the family to attend Thaddeus
Stevens College. Shawn received a
degree in business administration
(BUAD 14).
54 Years at Lancaster Newspapers/
LNP Communications
Steve Pettis started to work at
Lancaster Newspaper (later LNP
Communications) while attending
Thaddeus Stevens College.
" During my second year, I worked
after school from 4:30-11:30 p.m., "
said Steve. " It was like a full-time
job, but after work, I got up the next
morning to go to class. "
After graduation, Steve joined
LNP full-time and worked in print
production. He was involved in the
development of the equipment and
worked through the switch from
linotype to electronic typesetting
(hot to cold type).
" We were part of the industry's
testers. The managers liked to get
the equipment in and test it, and I
was involved in the development
and modification of manufacturer's
equipment. I wrote diagnostics
for some of the machines to have
equipment work with the other
parts, " said Steve.
Steve Pettis
1967 Yearbook Portrait
" If the equipment is running good,
it's like I don't exist, " he said.
" There were times I actually slept
there because I was working on a
problem. "
Steve recently retired from LNP
after spending 54 years with the
company. When he retired in June
2020, both his college and his
employer recognized him for years
of dedication and service.
" I had the honor of presenting my
grandfather with an award from the
Thaddeus Stevens College Alumni
Association, " said Shawn, who is a
member of the college's Board of
Governors and the Alumni
Association and Foundation.
" This award was presented
to him in recognition of
54 years of commitment
to the industry. That was a
highlight for me, to present
him with something on
behalf of the whole college, "
he added.
Grandson Chooses
Thaddeus Stevens College
An admirer of his
grandfather's intellect,
specialized skills, and
dedication, Shawn Pettis
thought it would be good
to continue his education
at his grandfather's alma
Mr. Fiorill
The Tower Spring 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Tower Spring 2021
The Tower Spring 2021 - 1
The Tower Spring 2021 - 2
The Tower Spring 2021 - 3
The Tower Spring 2021 - 4
The Tower Spring 2021 - 5
The Tower Spring 2021 - 6
The Tower Spring 2021 - 7
The Tower Spring 2021 - 8
The Tower Spring 2021 - 9
The Tower Spring 2021 - 10
The Tower Spring 2021 - 11
The Tower Spring 2021 - 12
The Tower Spring 2021 - 13
The Tower Spring 2021 - 14
The Tower Spring 2021 - 15
The Tower Spring 2021 - 16