The Tower Winter 2018 - 11

"I knew I wanted to do something to help the
environment, but I wanted to also find a career
where I can be for the next 40 years."

#UtilityCareers Campaign at the recommendation of a number of
employers who pointed out the College's reputation and track record
in preparing technical workers for employment.
"Thaddeus Stevens has been providing graduates to the utility
industry since the College's inception over a hundred years ago," said
President William Griscom. "Here, students can acquire the skills
they need for good, family sustaining careers where they will provide
critical public service. We must ensure that these careers do not hide
in plain sight from the next generation of workers."
Brown said utility careers often feature starting salaries upwards of
$60,000, and the average wage in Pennsylvania is more than $93,000
per year, nearly twice the average for all industries.
"Nationally, utilities are expected to hire an additional 70,000
workers by 2020, and growth in the energy sector along is expected to
create an estimated 1.5 million jobs by 2030," said Chairman Brown.
"These opportunities are all around us, but they may be overlooked
by students and other job-seekers either unaware of or unclear about
the many utility career options available to them."
Joining today's event were leaders from UGI Utilities, Metropolitan
Edison Company, PECO Energy Company, Pennsylvania American
Water, PPL Electric Utilities, Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania and
Duquesne Light Company, along with PJM Interconnection, the
region's power transmission organization.
"We are always looking for talented people at all levels of experience
to help us meet the new challenges of the 21st century electricity
delivery business, while continuing to provide safe, affordable,
reliable electric delivery to our customers," said Stephanie Raymond,
vice president-distribution operations for PPL Electric Utilities. "We
support workforce development initiatives and appreciate the PUC's
effort to promote the rewarding careers available in our industry."
Winter 2018 11


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Tower Winter 2018

The Tower Winter 2018 - 1
The Tower Winter 2018 - 2
The Tower Winter 2018 - 3
The Tower Winter 2018 - 4
The Tower Winter 2018 - 5
The Tower Winter 2018 - 6
The Tower Winter 2018 - 7
The Tower Winter 2018 - 8
The Tower Winter 2018 - 9
The Tower Winter 2018 - 10
The Tower Winter 2018 - 11
The Tower Winter 2018 - 12
The Tower Winter 2018 - 13
The Tower Winter 2018 - 14
The Tower Winter 2018 - 15
The Tower Winter 2018 - 16