The Tower Annual Report - 2
A n nua l
On behalf of Thaddeus Stevens College and the
Thaddeus Stevens Foundation, we thank you for
your continuing support and generosity to the
students and programs of Thaddeus Stevens
College of Technology.
lthough the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect
many aspects of all our daily lives, we are amazed and
incredibly thankful for the dedication and commitment
of our alumni, faculty, staff, friends, industry partners,
and others who recognize the important mission of
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology - meeting
the higher education needs of low income, historically
under-represented students, resulting in immediate
employment at a family-sustaining wage, supporting the
growth and strength of business and industry across the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
As many of you have experienced first-hand, this mission
is what makes Thaddeus Stevens College so special and
unique, and our students so sought after, in the current
climate of labor shortages and great demand for a skilled
trade and technical workforce.
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology appreciates your
continued support to ensure our commitment to removing
financial barriers for our students, so our equipment, tools
and technology can evolve as industry evolves, and to help
us build a strong infrastructure to support our vision for
growth. We are grateful for the loyalty and generosity
of each one of you listed in this annual report, and look
forward to your continued commitment. Thank you!
Best regards,
Pedro Rivera
President, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
D. Scott Trower, President
President, Thaddeus Stevens Foundation
During a recent event on campus, students were asked to respond
to the following: " Because of Thaddeus Stevens College, I... " . All
of the messages that appear on the front cover of this issue were
written by students. There are dozens of additional messages just
like these, too. We plan to share these messages around campus,
on the college's social media, and in other capacities to inspire and
remind our community just how special, important, and impactful
Thaddeus Stevens College is. Thank you for supporting students
and programs at Thaddeus Stevens College - your generosity
makes a difference.
2 The Tower
The Tower Annual Report
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Tower Annual Report
The Tower Annual Report - 1
The Tower Annual Report - 2
The Tower Annual Report - 3
The Tower Annual Report - 4
The Tower Annual Report - 5
The Tower Annual Report - 6
The Tower Annual Report - 7
The Tower Annual Report - 8
The Tower Annual Report - 9
The Tower Annual Report - 10
The Tower Annual Report - 11
The Tower Annual Report - 12