London Inc. September 2024 - 46

During your first few weeks, focus on developing strong relationships with your key
stakeholders, both within the company and externally. Take time to understand how
your new role fits in with senior stakeholders and their priorities, and which senior
members hold the most influence. If you start to develop these relationships as soon
as possible, it will make it easier to gain buy-in for any new initiatives or projects you
roll out in the future.
It's just as crucial to dedicate time to getting to know your team. By engaging
with stakeholders at all levels, including your immediate team, you'll ensure they're
brought into what you're doing, while you simultaneously learn what they do.
When you start in a newly created role,
there will undoubtedly be certain problems
or challenges your boss wants you
to address - but resist the urge to make
an instant impact. Don't attempt to fix or
change everything as soon as you start.
Instead, take the time to understand the
ecosystem of the company, how different
departments collaborate, and what the
strategic priorities are.
Taking a watch-and-learn approach,
If you're looking to hire new employees or train existing
ones, Fanshawe can help. Our FREE services include:
Career Services - current students and alumni
* Career Consultants - connecting you to the best
candidates for your organization
* Recruitment events - Ignite Career Conference, Career
Fairs, info sessions, etc.
* Online job posting service and  job and company
Co-operative Education - Co-op specific
* Co-op Consultants - connecting you to students and
* Eligible employers may qualify for the Co-operative
Education Tax Credit (up to $3,000 per term)
Community Employment Services - serving the
community and general public
* Online job posting services
* Assistance with arranging and facilitating interviews
* Access to potential hiring incentives and training grants
such as the Canada Ontario Job Grant program
rather than acting too early, will help
you understand how and where you
can deliver the most value quickly, while
comfortably complementing the work
that is already being done. Then, over the
coming months, you will be able to adjust
to the distinctive challenges of the job and
take greater ownership in shaping the role.
Be realistic in what you say you can achieve.
It can be easy to over-promise when you
first start with a company, especially in
initial meetings and inductions where you
want to prove yourself from the very start.
After all, you'll be eager to demonstrate
your value, and you may have already
formed opinions or ideas of what needs to
be done as a priority.
Naturally, because this is a new position,
many stakeholders will be excited to have
you on board, and keen to see change
and progress. However, try not to succumb
to the pressure of over-promising
and under-delivering - instead, take a
measured and realistic approach to the
new role.
Similarly, any newly created role evolves
over time. As mentioned above, your boss
may be using your first few weeks and
months to shape the role before locking
your responsibilities in place. As a result,
you need to be flexible and appreciate that
it may take some time before your job
description is finalised.
The benefit of evolving roles is that you
Contact us today!
46||SEPTEMBER 2024
can shape it, too. You can set systems and
processes, have a say in the structure and
help define the parameters of the role
based on what works best for you.

London Inc. September 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of London Inc. September 2024

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