ORGANIZED AND FUNDED BY EISAI ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE SYMPO SIUM Preparing for the Future of Alzheimer's Disease: The Urgent Need to Identify Patients With Early Alzheimer's Disease April 29, 2022, 6:30pm HYATT REGENCY MCCORMICK PLACE * 2233 S. MARTIN L KING DRIVE ROOM: GRANT PARK (HYATT CONFERENCE CENTER-LEVEL ONE) OVERVIEW PRESENTED BY MARWAN SABBAGH, MD, FAAN BARROW NEUROLOGICAL INSTITUTE PHOENIX, AZ * Educate physicians and other primary health care professionals on the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and currently available treatment options or in phase 3 clinical development * Raise awareness on the importance of identifying patients with early AD so that they can receive appropriate care and better prepare for the future PRESENTED BY ALIREZA ATRI, MD BANNER SUN HEALTH RESEARCH INSTITUTE SUN CITY, AZ This event is not a part of the official Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 Education Program. This program does not offer CME credit. * Increase familiarity with available screening and testing procedures for early AD to empower health care professionals with the tools needed to identify, diagnose, and refer patients with early AD © 2022 Eisai Inc. April 2022 PIPN-M2702