2023 Meeting Magazine - 2

Welcome to
ACR Convergence 2023
I am thrilled to welcome you to the premier
rheumatology meeting in the world!
ACR Convergence 2023 brings together familiar favorites
with new, innovative offerings to showcase the most up-tothe-minute
science and provide enhanced opportunities for
collaboration and networking.
The meeting opens with the all-virtual Global Summit on Friday,
November 10. The in-person meeting returns to its traditional
Saturday to Wednesday format this year to allow for more
sessions, more science, and more learning.
The plenary sessions-featuring the meeting's most highly
rated abstracts-as well as the Year in Review, Basic & Clinical
Research Conference, Review Course, Knowledge Bowl, Thieves
Market, memorial lectures, and the special Fellows-in-Training
sessions are schedule highlights again this year. So, too, is the
rich array of basic and clinical research oral abstract sessions.
New this year, Meet the Panel sessions will feature multiple
experts sharing the stage to discuss some of our most
challenging clinical issues. And, most exciting of all: For the
first time in four years, the in-person Poster Hall is back!
One of the most anticipated innovations at this year's meeting is
the premiere of Networking Lounges, which attendees will find
in the Sails Pavilion in the heart of the San Diego Convention
Center. These lounges provide physical spaces where attendees
who share professional interests can gather, converse,
collaborate, and relax. The lounges were organized to reflect
the session and abstract planning categories, including: Basic
Science, Business of Rheumatology (private practice), Education
and Workforce, Interprofessional Team (ARP), and Pediatrics. We
hope the lounges provide a comfortable spot to connect with
colleagues throughout the meeting.
Our basic science colleagues are invited to take advantage of
another new feature this year: Team Science Meeting Rooms.
This pilot program offers an opportunity for investigators from
around the world to reserve meeting space to engage with
their collaborators during ACR Convergence 2023.
In addition to enhancing the in-person experience, we're
livestreaming sessions in two meeting rooms from Saturday,
November 11, through Wednesday, November 15. This
programming will allow real-time participation for our online
audience in some of the most popular and timely sessions. And,
as in years past, nearly all sessions will be available on demand
for a full year following the meeting.
Thank you for joining us at ACR Convergence 2023 and enjoy
the meeting!

2023 Meeting Magazine

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 Meeting Magazine

2023 Meeting Magazine - Intro
2023 Meeting Magazine - Cover1
2023 Meeting Magazine - Cover2
2023 Meeting Magazine - 1
2023 Meeting Magazine - 2
2023 Meeting Magazine - 3
2023 Meeting Magazine - 4
2023 Meeting Magazine - 5
2023 Meeting Magazine - 6
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2023 Meeting Magazine - 8
2023 Meeting Magazine - 9
2023 Meeting Magazine - 10
2023 Meeting Magazine - 11
2023 Meeting Magazine - 12
2023 Meeting Magazine - 13
2023 Meeting Magazine - 14
2023 Meeting Magazine - 15
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2023 Meeting Magazine - Cover3
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