2024 Convergence Today Preview - 4

ACR Convergence Today | Preview Edition
Expanded Pediatrics Program Prioritizes Interactive,
Collaborative Learning
he expanded pediatrics program
at ACR Convergence 2024 will
prioritize audience interaction and
a variety of session formats to
facilitate learning and development
for caregivers in pediatrics.
" We've been steadily
increasing our pediatric
sessions year-to-year, which
reflects the breadth and
growth of the pediatric
rheumatology community.
In addition to abstracts in
pediatric rheumatology,
we have 21 pediatric
sessions planned this
year. Our goal is to bring
together leading minds
in pediatric rheumatology to foster
learning and collaboration while sharing
groundbreaking research, " said Associate
Professor Susan Shenoi, MD, MS,
University of Washington, Seattle, and
Chair of the Pediatric Team for the Annual
Meeting Planning Committee (AMPC).
New this year is a pilot session
called Engage and Solve: Pediatric
Rheumatology Kahoot Game on Monday,
Nov. 18, at 2:15 p.m. in Room 201. The
session will consist of multiple-choice
or true/false questions in a Kahoot
game format. Whether you're a medical
student, resident, healthcare professional/
provider, or simply interested in pediatric
rheumatologic conditions, this game offers
an engaging opportunity to test your
skills, learn new concepts, and connect
with peers. To participate in the game, a
cellphone or laptop is required.
" We are restricting this year's pilot
session to two topics: juvenile
idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and
rare diseases, or 'zebras,' in
pediatric rheumatology, " Dr.
Shenoi explained. " We plan
to solicit feedback after the
session, and if the attendees
think it's valuable, we can
bring the Kahoot game back
for subsequent years. "
Another pediatric program
session meant to spark
discussion between session facilitators
and audience members is the Interactive
Challenging Pediatric Lupus Cases:
Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Lupus
Nephritis, scheduled for Saturday, Nov.
16, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201. The session
will address two challenging cases of
lupus nephritis and antiphospholipid
syndrome. Two experienced clinicians
will present these cases and review
pertinent evidence that might inform
care strategies. Subsequently, breakout
groups will form to explore how they
would manage and treat each case.
Similarly structured is another session on
Monday, Nov. 18, at 1 p.m. in Room 201
called Infectious Mimics of Pediatric
Rheumatic Disease in Children: An
Interactive Discussion.
" Most educators are now finding that
a flipped classroom or interactive setup
encourages the learner to actively engage,
thus promoting a deeper understanding
of the topic discussed, " Dr. Shenoi said.
" So, this year, there was a big push to
incorporate these novel and interactive
learning methods at ACR Convergence. "
At 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 17, the
Pediatrics Great Debate will deliberate
on systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
(sJIA) lung disease and treatment with
biologic medications in Room 202AB.
Biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic
drugs (DMARDs) like anti-IL-1 and anti-IL-6
therapies have become foundational
therapies for sJIA; however, there are now
several reports of increasing incidence of
highly fatal sJIA-associated lung disease.
This has become a controversial topic
among the pediatric rheumatology
community. The debaters will examine
the available data on the development
of lung disease and debate the merits of
continuing versus withholding biologic
DMARDs targeting the IL-1 and IL-6
pathways for sJIA lung disease.
In addition to scientific knowledge,
interpersonal considerations that affect
patients' experience with clinicians are vital
for providers to consider. Also scheduled
for Sunday, Cultural Humility for the
Pediatric Rheumatologist will begin
at 1 p.m. in Room 204ABC. Defined as
the ongoing process of self-exploration
and self-critique in combination with the
willingness to learn from others while
honoring their beliefs, customs, and values,
cultural humility can help care teams assist
pediatric patients of different ethnicities
navigate challenges related to access or
transition of care.
" A panel of patients and their families
will share insights from experiences they
have had throughout their journey with
pediatric rheumatology around access to
care, availability of resources, and how
these factors can affect clinical outcomes
in patients of varying ethnicities, " Dr.
Shenoi explained.
Multiple pediatric program sessions
will cover updated care topics, including
Pediatric Rheumatology FDA Updates
on Monday at 10:30 a.m. in Room 202AB
and Updates on Assessment and
Treatment of Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis
on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 9:30 a.m. in Room
" I look forward to an engaging and
impactful ACR meeting that will drive
learning, collaboration, and excellence in
our field, " said Dr. Shenoi. *
Artificial Intelligence and Novel Indications for Hypoglycemic
Agents Among the Featured Topics for Clinical Science Program
ractical applications for artificial
intelligence (AI) and novel
indications for hypoglycemic
agents in rheumatic diseases are
among the featured topics in the
ACR Convergence 2024 clinical
science program.
" Our team works really
hard to bring the latest and
greatest in rheumatology to
ACR Convergence to ensure
attendees are excited about
the content, " said Associate
Professor of Medicine Tracy
Frech, MD, MS, Vanderbilt
University Medical Center,
and Chair of the Clinical
Science Team for the
Annual Meeting Planning
Committee (AMPC).
On Saturday, Nov. 16, Harnessing the
The session will provide a comprehensive
overview of multiple AI applications to
illustrate the technology's potentially
revolutionary impact on rheumatology.
Novel Indications for Hypoglycemic
Agents in Rheumatic Diseases: SodiumGlucose
Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors
and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1
Receptor Agonists is scheduled
for Saturday at 9 a.m. in
Ballroom B. Sodium-glucose
cotransporter-2 inhibitors
(SGLT2) and glucagon-like
peptide 1 receptor agonists
(GLP-1) are widely used to treat
type 2 diabetes and induce
weight loss. Recent results have
also indicated that these agents
can decrease cardiovascular
Power of AI in Rheumatology Without
Getting Burned will begin at 9:30 a.m. in
Ballroom A.
" This year, we're going to delve more into
the intersection of AI and rheumatology
and its transformative potential for
diagnosis, treatment, and management, "
Dr. Frech explained.
disease and prevent the progression
of chronic kidney disease. Additionally,
session presenters will discuss evidence
supporting the efficacy of GLP-1 and
potential analgesic effects affecting the
central nervous system in a way that may
be relevant to the treatment of arthritis.
" These drugs are gaining interest in
rheumatic disease management because of
their effects on the heart and kidney, and
there is interest in how we should be using
these drugs to treat rheumatic diseases, "
Dr. Frech said. " This session features a
lineup of excellent speakers to summarize
the potential risks and benefits of these
therapies and how we as rheumatologists
should be using them concurrently with our
immunosuppression. "
Two essential learning series in the ACR
Convergence Clinical Science Program
are the Meet the Panel sessions and the
return of Meet the Professor sessions,
which are back for the first time since the
COVID-19 pandemic. These sessions cover
wide-ranging clinical topics, including
best practices for multidisciplinary clinics,
guidelines for diversity in clinical trial
enrollment, reproductive health, and more.
" The Meet the Panel series offers
more opportunities for the audience to
interact with the experts on stage and ask
questions that are especially relevant to
their clinics, " Dr. Frech explained.
This year's clinical science lineup
also features a Great Debate session
on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 3:30 p.m. in Hall
D/E entitled MCTD: Is It Just Letters?
Presenters will discuss whether mixed
connective tissue disease (MCTD) should
be classified as a unique disease or
an " overlap " between other rheumatic
diseases. As part of this discussion,
presenters will also examine the
clinical significance of MCTD and antiribonucleoprotein
Dr. Frech also highlighted an increased
focus on crystalline arthritis across multiple
sessions in this year's curriculum.
" We are excited to explore topics such
as the changing landscape of crystalline
arthritis, serial use of advanced imaging,
and upcoming approaches to synovial fluid
analysis, " she said.
Sessions analyzing crystalline arthritis
* Meet the Professor: Crystalline
Arthritis, Saturday, Nov. 16, 7:30-8:30
a.m. and 11:30 a.m-12:30 p.m., Room 155
* Of Kings and Men: Education and
Remission in Gout, Monday, Nov. 18,
9-10 a.m., Ballroom A
* Not So Crystal Clear: The Changing
Landscape of Crystalline Arthritis
Diagnosis, Monday, Nov. 18, 10-11:30
a.m., Room 103AB *
http://www.ACRConvergenceToday.org https://acr24.eventscribe.net/SearchByBucket.asp?f=SessionType&bm=Pediatric&pfp=Pediatric https://acr24.eventscribe.net/SearchByBucket.asp?f=SessionType&bm=Clinical%20Science&pfp=ClinicalScience https://acr24.eventscribe.net/SearchByBucket.asp?f=SessionType&bm=Clinical%20Science&pfp=ClinicalScience

2024 Convergence Today Preview

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024 Convergence Today Preview

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