2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 16

Research Roundup
Read on for key takeaways about studies
featured in presentations at the 2024
SABCS®. For more details, click on the
linked trial names. Session recordings
will be available on demand for registered
attendees through March 31, 2025.
The phase II
escalation trial (topic
2), currently recruiting
patients, will assess the
effect of 5 mg tamoxifen
daily on breast density in
premenopausal women.
Breast density as indicated
through mammogram
is a validated marker of
breast cancer risk that
decreases with tamoxifen
participants who fail to
show ≥10% reduction in
breast density at 6 months
will escalate to 10 mg/
day. Nonresponders at 12
months will escalate to
20 mg/day. The primary
endpoint is the proportion
of women who show ≥10%
reduction in absolute
dense area measured on
mammogram images.
A MUC1 vaccine
trial (topic 1) for newly
diagnosed ductal
carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
opened in February 2024.
The interception trial is
comparing a neoadjuvant
MUC1 vaccine plus
aromatase inhibitor
to aromatase inhibitor
alone. Following surgery,
researchers will evaluate
the tissue and compare
it to the biopsy tissue to
determine if the vaccine
induced changes in the
tumor microenvironment.
The BRCA-D pilot
study (topic 3) has seen
denosumab reduce
clonogenic activity
and signaling in BRCA1
pathogenic variant breast
tissue. Denosumab
inhibits the progesterone
pathway associated with
higher mammographic
breast density and
appears to block
progression of luminal
progenitor cells to tumor
cells and delay tumor
development. A phase III
trial is under way.
A retrospective analysis
of the US Surveillance,
Epidemiology, and End
Results (SEER) (PS1001,
Discussant) database
showed significant
disparities across racial
and ethnic groups for
breast cancer incidence
and mortality. The overall
female incidence of
breast cancer from 20152019
was 128.3 cases
per 100,000 women.
Incidence ranged from
99.9 for Hispanic women
to 129.6 for non-Hispanic
Black women and 137.6
for non-Hispanic white
women. All-race mortality
was 19.6, ranging from a
low of 11.7 for non-Hispanic
Asian/Pacific Islander
women to 19.7 for nonHispanic
white women
and 27.6 for non-Hispanic
Black women. Disparities
stem from racial
differences in biomarker
alterations, treatment
patterns, and clinical
outcomes in HR-positive,
HER2-negative metastatic
breast cancer. Black
patients were generally
younger, had higher
grade tumors, and were
more likely to live in lower
socioeconomic status
areas and be insured
through public programs
compared to white
patients. Black patients
were also less likely to
have PIK3CA mutations
compared to white
patients. Black patients
were also less likely to
receive CDK4/6 inhibitor
therapy and more likely
to receive chemotherapy
than white patients. Use
of endocrine and other
therapies was similar
between the two groups.
There was no difference
in overall survival among
those who received a first
line CDK4/6 inhibitor
therapy, but Black patients
overall had significantly
shorter OS.
A separate analysis
of the SEER database
(PS10-03) revealed
socioeconomic disparities
in long-term heart failure
risk of trastuzumab with
or without anthracyclines
in early-stage breast
cancer. Multivariate
analysis adjusted for
cardiac complexities
found that Black patients
had a 23% higher risk
of heart failure after
receiving trastuzumab
and/or anthracycline.
Self-reported physical
activity in a multiethnic
cohort study (PS10-02)
was significantly lower
for Black Americans
compared to Americans
of European descent. The
2024 SABCS®
| Takeaways
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024-SABCS-Takeaways

2024-SABCS-Takeaways - A
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - Ci
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - Cii
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 1
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 2
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 3
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 4
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 5
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 6
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 7
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 8
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 9
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 10
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 11
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 12
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 13
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 14
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 15
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 16
2024-SABCS-Takeaways - 17