Burden, economic impact and research gaps. - 3
It may not be widely known, but digestive diseases and cancers exact a significant
health and economic toll on societies across Europe, both in terms of disability and
premature mortality as well as health system expenditures and productivity loss.
Digestive cancers are actually the leading cause of cancer death
in Europe, responsible for over a third of all cancer-related
deaths. Notable geographic variations persist within and across
countries, with more disadvantaged populations and countries
experiencing a greater disease burden.
Alcohol use, drug use, smoking and high body-mass index are key
risk factors contributing to the burden of digestive disorders - and
Europe has the highest rates of alcohol consumption globally and a
60% rate of adult overweight and obesity. These are the facts. And
collectively, this is how to respond.
We implement effective prevention faster. We consider underlying
structural factors and social determinants of health when
addressing risk factors. We produce better data, evidence and
further studies to better understand existing health disparities and
drivers of inequality in incidence, prevalence and mortality.
Hans Henri P Kluge
WHO Regional Director for Europe
We identify gaps in surveillance, prevention and access to services
to shape evidence-informed country policies. We invest in health
workers to deliver the prevention, screening and treatment
strategies that deliver results.
Last but not least, after the turbulent years of COVID-19 and
other public health crises that have caused significant backlogs
in service delivery; we strengthen our health systems, address
geographic inequities and give digestive diseases and cancers the
attention they deserve - both within the medical and public health
community, but also across societies to raise public awareness and
better shape personal health-seeking behaviours.
That is the only way to ease the heavy, unacceptable public health
and economic burden on our societies, from Spain to Ukraine,
from Sweden to Serbia.
Unless outlined, all data and statistics contained within this
booklet have been taken from the original reports, 'Analysis of the
Burden and Economic Impact of Digestive Diseases in the European
Region' and 'Analysis of Research Gaps and Priorities in the Field of
Digestive Health in the European Region', which were developed by
the University of Liverpool on behalf of UEG.1,2
Burden, economic impact and research gaps.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Burden, economic impact and research gaps.
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