Burden, economic impact and research gaps. - 8
Cirrhosis and Chronic Liver Diseases
As defined within the Global Burden
of Disease Study (GBD) 2019, cirrhosis
and other chronic liver diseases are
conditions in which long-lasting liver
cell injury triggers liver fibrosis.
This causes a range of changes to the liver and
can lead to asymptomatic compensated cirrhosis
as well as decompensated cirrhosis, indicated by
profound symptoms and loss of health. The data
presented here are combined for both cirrhosis and
other liver diseases.
Across UEG member countries, cirrhosis and chronic
liver diseases constitute a highly concerning and
growing disease burden.
From 2000 to 2019, there has been an
increase in age-standardised
prevalence rates of liver
diseases in member countries
with the total number
of prevalent cases also
increasing by around
Metabolic syndrome (MetS)
MetS is a group of conditions that occur together, increasing a person's risk
of a number of serious health problems, including liver disease. Public health
interventions aimed at mitigating the risk factors related to MetS, such as sedentary
lifestyles and obesity, are required to reduce its prevalence across Europe.6
Burden, economic impact and research gaps.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Burden, economic impact and research gaps.
Burden, economic impact and research gaps. - 1
Burden, economic impact and research gaps. - 2
Burden, economic impact and research gaps. - 3
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