Mistakes in... 2022 - 14

ueg education
Mistakes in... 2022
5. Bijkerk CJ, et al. Irritable bowel syndrome in primary
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etiology and management. Can J Gastroenterol 2003;
17: 363-368.
6. Lacy BE, et al. ACG Clinical Guideline: management of
irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2021;
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7. Vasant DH, et al. British Society of Gastroenterology
guidelines on the management of irritable bowel
syndrome. Gut 2021; 70: 1214-1240.
8. McKenzie YA, et al. British Dietetic Association
systematic review and evidence-based practice
guidelines for the dietary management of irritable
bowel syndrome in adults (2016 update). J Hum Nutr
Diet 2016; 29: 549-575.
9. Spiller R. Impact of diet on symptoms of the irritable
bowel syndrome. Nutrients 2021; 13: 575.
10. Moayyedi P, et al. Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis
and management: A simplified algorithm for clinical
practice. United European Gastroenterol J 2017;
5: 773-788.
11. Tigchelaar EF, et al. Habitual diet and diet quality in
irritable bowel syndrome: a case-control study.
Neurogastroenterol Motil 2017; 29: e13151.
12. Onyimba F, et al. Food allergies and intolerances: a
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13. Lea R and Whorwell PJ. The role of food intolerance in
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14. Aguilera-Lizarraga J, et al. Local immune response to
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15. Barbara G, et al. Mast cell-dependent excitation of
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132: 26-37.
16. Fabisiak A, et al. Targeting histamine receptors in
irritable bowel syndrome: a critical appraisal.
J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2017; 23: 341-348.
17. Klooker TK, et al. The mast cell stabiliser ketotifen
decreases visceral hypersensitivity and improves
intestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel
syndrome. Gut 2010; 59: 1213-1221.
18. Essa H, et al. Hydrogen and methane breath
test results are negatively associated with IBS
and may reflect transit time in post-surgical
patients. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2021;
33: e14033.
19. Black, CJ and Ford AC. Rational investigations in
irritable bowel syndrome. Frontline Gastroenterol
2020; 11: 140-147.
20. Bonder MJ, et al. The effect of host genetics on the
gut microbiome. Nat Genet 2016; 48: 1407-1412.
21. So D, et al. Dietary fibres and IBS: translating
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the era of personalised medicine. Gut 2021;
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22. Gunn D, et al. Psyllium reduces inulin-induced colonic
gas production in IBS: MRI and in vitro fermentation
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23. Moayyedi P, et al. The effect of fiber supplementation
on irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol 2014;
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24. Wilson B, et al. Prebiotics in irritable bowel
syndrome and other functional bowel disorders in
adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of
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25. Dionne J, et al. A systematic review and metaanalysis
evaluating the efficacy of a gluten-free diet
and a low FODMAPs diet in treating symptoms of
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26. Barone M, et al. Evaluation of non-celiac gluten
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27. Skodje GI, et al. Fructan, rather than gluten, induces
symptoms in patients with self-reported non-celiac
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28. Cuccioloni M, et al. Interfering with the high-affinity
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29. Black CJ, Staudacher HM and Ford AC. Efficacy of a
low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome:
systematic review and network meta-analysis. Gut
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30. Böhn L, et al. Diet low in FODMAPs reduces
symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome as
well as traditional dietary advice: a randomized
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31. Vandeputte D and Joossens M. Effects of low and
high FODMAP diets on human gastrointestinal
microbiota composition in adults with intestinal
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32. Wang XJ, et al. Review article: biological mechanisms
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subgroups - the case for a more personalised
approach to dietary restriction. Aliment Pharmacol
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33. Bennet SMP, et al. Multivariate modelling of faecal
bacterial profiles of patients with IBS predicts
responsiveness to a diet low in FODMAPs. Gut 2018;
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34. Zamani M, Alizadeh-Tabari S and Zamani V.
Systematic review with meta-analysis: the prevalence
of anxiety and depression in patients with irritable
bowel syndrome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2019;
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35. Simons M, et al. Narrative review: Risk of eating
disorders and nutritional deficiencies with dietary
therapies for irritable bowel syndrome.
Neurogastroenterol Motil 2021; 34: e14188.
Your dietary management of IBS briefing
UEG Week
* 'IBS: What's new in 2021?' session at UEG Week Virtual
2021 [https://ueg.eu/library/session/
* 'News in IBS' session at UEG Week Virtual 2021
* 'IBS: Diet as therapy' presentation in the 'Nutritional
approaches in various GI disorders' session at UEG Week
Virtual 2021 [https://ueg.eu/library/
* 'Efficacy and timing of a blinded reintroduction
phase for the low-fodmap diet in IBS' presentation in
the 'Diet, microbiota & more' session at UEG Week
Virtual 2021 [https://ueg.eu/library/
'Predictors of treatment response to the low fodmap
and the traditional diet in patients with irritable bowel
syndrome " presentation in the " IBS I " session at UEG
Week Virtual 2020 [https://ueg.eu/library/
Diet and microbiota' presentation from the 'IBS: What's
new in 2018?' session at UEG Week 2018 [https://ueg.eu/
* 'The low FODMAP diet: Selecting the right candidate'
presentation in the 'Tips and tricks for the IBS patient'
session at UEG Week 2018 [https://ueg.eu/library/
* Spiller R. Mistakes in irritable bowel syndrome and how
to avoid them. UEG Education 2016: 16; 31-33
Standards and Guidelines
* Allam A, et al. NICE Quality Standard [QS114]: irritable
bowel syndrome in adults. 2016 [https://ueg.eu/library/
nice-quality-standard-irritable- bowel-syndrome-inadults/141817].
McKenzie YA, et al. British Dietetic Association
systematic review and evidence-based practice
guidelines for the dietary management of irritable
bowel syndrome in adults (2016 update). J Hum Nutr
Diet 2016; 29: 549-575 [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.
https://ueg.eu/library/efficacy-and-timing-of-a-blinded-reintroduction-phase-for-the-low-fodmap-diet-in-ibs/248411 https://ueg.eu/library/session/ibs-whats-new-in-2021/194/2965 https://ueg.eu/library/session/ibs-whats-new-in-2021/194/2965 https://ueg.eu/a/177 https://ueg.eu/library/predictors-of-treatment-response-to-the-low-fodmap-and-the-traditional-diet-in-patients-with-irritable-bowel-syndrome/234719 https://ueg.eu/library/predictors-of-treatment-response-to-the-low-fodmap-and-the-traditional-diet-in-patients-with-irritable-bowel-syndrome/234719 https://ueg.eu/library/session/news-in-ibs/194/3097 https://ueg.eu/library/predictors-of-treatment-response-to-the-low-fodmap-and-the-traditional-diet-in-patients-with-irritable-bowel-syndrome/234719 https://ueg.eu/library/nice-quality-standard-irritable-bowel-syndrome-in-adults/141817 https://ueg.eu/library/predictors-of-treatment-response-to-the-low-fodmap-and-the-traditional-diet-in-patients-with-irritable-bowel-syndrome/234719 https://ueg.eu/library/nice-quality-standard-irritable-bowel-syndrome-in-adults/141817 https://ueg.eu/library/nice-quality-standard-irritable-bowel-syndrome-in-adults/141817 https://ueg.eu/library/ibs-diet-as-therapy/248383 https://ueg.eu/library/diet-and-microbiota/185643 https://ueg.eu/library/ibs-diet-as-therapy/248383 https://ueg.eu/library/diet-and-microbiota/185643 https://ueg.eu/library/the-low-fodmap-diet-selecting-the-right-candidate/185141 https://ueg.eu/library/efficacy-and-timing-of-a-blinded-reintroduction-phase-for-the-low-fodmap-diet-in-ibs/248411 https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley https://ueg.eu/library/the-low-fodmap-diet-selecting-the-right-candidate/185141 https://ueg.eu/library/efficacy-and-timing-of-a-blinded-reintroduction-phase-for-the-low-fodmap-diet-in-ibs/248411 https://ueg.eu/library/the-low-fodmap-diet-selecting-the-right-candidate/185141

Mistakes in... 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Mistakes in... 2022

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Mistakes in... 2022 - 2
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