Chapter 1: Burden of Digestive Disorders Together, digestive cancers are responsible for around 34% of the total number of cancer related deaths, for both women and men, for the UEG member countries combined (Figure 10). Colon and rectum cancers account for around 15% of all cancer related deaths amongst women, and 13% amongst men. Pancreatic and stomach cancers are also responsible for a large share of deaths due to digestive cancers. Figure 10. Proportion of deaths due to digestive cancers out of total cancer related deaths by sex, for 44 UEG member countries combined, 2019 Women Men Colon and rectum cancer Oesophageal cancer Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer Liver cancer Pancreatic cancer Stomach cancer Other cancers Women Men Colon and rectum cancer 15% 13% Oesophageal cancer 1% 3% Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer 2% 1% Liver cancer 2% 4% Pancreatic cancer 8% 6% Stomach cancer 6% 7% Source: authors' compilation using GBD 2019 data The evidence presented thus far highlights changes in the epidemiology of digestive diseases and cancers across UEG member countries over the last two decades. Important variations in estimates of burden by disease and country need to be disentangled to enhance understanding of the changing epidemiology of digestive disorders and how this may influence future needs. Analysis of the proportion of burden attributable to modifiable risk factors by country and disease is needed to provide insight into evolving challenges and to help identify where the greatest health gains can be made. We attempt to address some of these needs in the following section. White Book 2: Part 1 11