Appendix prices to obtain estimated inpatient health service delivery costs in 2035. Prediction intervals were produced by simulation. France and the UK documented changes within the time series to the diagnostic coding of specific digestive disease categories (K60-K62 and K52, respectively).126 However, repeating the analysis excluding these categories produced similar results in terms of the percentage change difference in costs for digestive diseases combined from 2021-2035 for these countries. Additionally, the ICD-10 diagnostic code for haemorrhoids and perianal venous thrombosis (K64) was introduced within the ICD-10 version released in 2014 which may have affected the disease category " Other digestive diseases " for some countries. Repeating the analysis excluding the category did not substantially change the results in terms of the percentage change difference in costs for digestive diseases combined from 2021-2035 for most countries. Exceptions were Poland and the Netherlands, however this may have been due to the exclusion of the category itself - within which trends in inpatient numbers were increasing for these countries during the time period before the code was introduced. Therefore, to avoid omitting potentially useful information, all digestive disease categories were included in the analysis. Several countries also documented non-digestive disease specific breaks/changes during the time series, such as conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10 diagnostic coding.126 As a sensitivity test, we repeated the analysis using data from the most recent or else longest portion of the time series pre- or post-break. Results were comparable to the main results in terms of the percentage change difference in costs for digestive diseases combined from 2021-2035, considering the extent of information that was omitted. White Book 2: Part 1 198