2022 GLOBAL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE REGIONAL FINALISTS ULI began the Awards for Excellence program in 1979 to recognize superior development efforts in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. Winning projects represent the highest standards of achievement in the development industry and are recognized for the full development process, not just the project's architecture or design-though these elements play an important role. Twenty-four projects have been short-listed as finalists for the 2022 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence. The winners were announced in June (after this publication's deadline) at the 2022 Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence Virtual Ceremony. Twenty-one Americas and five Europe projects have been short-listed as finalists, and winners will be announced later this summer and fall. Each of ULI's three regions-the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe- conducted Awards for Excellence competitions this year that serve as the first round of competition for the 2022 ULI Global Awards for Excellence, which will be announced this fall. SUMMER 2022 URBAN LAND 63