Instead of the previous tall fence and car park, visitors are now welcomed by a biopond and lush landscaping, offering a calming respite at the doorstep of the neighborhood. The building lobby. The project designed around and conserved trumpet trees to create outdoor play spaces for an inclusive kindergarten. Children take excursions to different parts of the village as learning journeys in nature. An exterior evening view from John F. Kennedy Boulevard and 17th Street. A sectional perspective of the lobby, public space, and belowground concourse. The amphitheater is overlaid onto sloping ground, serving as a multipurpose common space incorporating an accessible route. Ramps, steps, landings, and seats are color coded to provide contrast, taking into account use by the elderly and visually impaired. Ficus trees are planted to provide shade over the amphitheater. A garden cabana extends from a passageway as an outdoor room surrounded by nature. WINTER 2023 URBAN LAND 83 EDWARD HENDRICKS DARREN SOH DARREN SOH DARREN SOH