effectiveness. The panel noted that a Silver Line/Blue Line interline option through Uptown would improve cost and ridership substantially for a competitive FTA rating. " Our recommendation is to evaluate modifications to the project to reduce cost and increase ridership, " panel member Hecht noted during the panel presentation. Positioning for a Successful Referendum A sales tax referendum for Mecklenburg County voters will be considered to support the CATS 2030 Transit System Plan. The panel examined how to pursue a successful referendum to support transit investments once state authorization is secured. Recommendations included carefully crafting a message that reflects voter priorities and undertaking a robust engagement program with business, civic, and community leaders. Panelist Garsys encouraged intense and robust engagement within the community to advocate for transit support. " The more you build coalitions with all your busiMembers of the ULI Advisory Services panel that convened in Charlotte to examine the Uptown/11th Street alignment of the LYNX Silver Line. WINTER 2023 URBAN LAND 97 REBECCA HILL