2022 Fall Issue - 101

For decades, highways nationwide were built to
connect roads and cities but often came with the
added consequence of cutting off those who were
already disenfranchised. The federal government
and cities across the United States are now making
strides to reconnect those communities and right
the wrongs of the past.
Many of the infrastructure decisions that are
being made today will affect us for decades to come,
according to Paul Angelone, senior director of the ULI
Curtis Infrastructure Initiative.
" These decisions-how we develop our built
environment, whether it's in the urban core, whether
it's in a suburban environment or in a rural environment-have
an impact on our health, have an impact
on our wealth, have an impact on our economic
being, " says Christopher Coes, assistant secretary
for transportation policy at the U.S. Department of
Transportation. " That's why reconnecting communities
is so important because we know for the last 50
to 60 years, the way we've invested transportation
dollars, the way we've aligned transportation dollars
with land use, in many cases, was sometimes not in
the benefit of the full community-and sometimes it's
actually been in direct opposition to neighborhoods. "
President Joe Biden has taken note of the inequities
of the past and the infrastructure projects that
historically exacerbated racial disparities. It is part
of the aim of his $1 trillion infrastructure package
that also funds a new Reconnecting Communities
Pilot grant program that Coes, a former ULI member,
describes as " an opportunity for the federal government
to address the misalignment or bad decisions
or past harms that we might have made. "
The program includes funding for planning and
capital construction projects to bring communities
back together by removing or retrofitting infrastrucCommunities
breaking down barriers
and righting the
wrongs of the past.
The fountains and clock tower at the Rose Kennedy
Greenway in Boston.
FALL 2022

2022 Fall Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2022 Fall Issue

2022 Fall Issue - Cover1
2022 Fall Issue - Cover2
2022 Fall Issue - 1
2022 Fall Issue - 2
2022 Fall Issue - 3
2022 Fall Issue - 4
2022 Fall Issue - 5
2022 Fall Issue - 6
2022 Fall Issue - 7
2022 Fall Issue - 8
2022 Fall Issue - 9
2022 Fall Issue - 10
2022 Fall Issue - 11
2022 Fall Issue - 12
2022 Fall Issue - 13
2022 Fall Issue - 14
2022 Fall Issue - 15
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2022 Fall Issue - Cover3
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