SOLUTION FILE capacity that would inform development of the RUSH Pilot Program in advance of a call for RUSH demonstration project grant applications by SCAG member municipalities. Coordinating with utilities To coordinate SCAG housing This diagram illustrates how the utility agencies could be brought into the SCAG Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process to facilitate housing element planning and implementation, and how a project may move from Red Light to Green Light priority status. targets with regional utilities expansions, we first need to understand the current decision processes of SCAG in targeting sites, and of utilities in expanding their systems. The RUSH program is a subset within a nested series of housing programs, as follows: In the general plan for each SCAG jurisdiction are housing elements that include targets for facilitating production of the new housing needed by the end of 2029. Each guide also includes maps and addresses listing an inventory of sites capable of supporting 142 URBAN LAND FALL 2023 S TEPEHN A. S AMPS ON