2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land - 86

Alameda Point, a former
naval base, already
includes housing and
programs for 500
homeless people.
The Alameda Point
Collaborative plans
to expand its services
with a clinic, a medical
respite center, and
housing for homeless
seniors, but so far the
planners have been
unable to overcome
the hurdles of the Title
V program for this
the General Services Administration (GSA) in
Washington, D.C.; and a member of the Public
Buildings Reform Board, an agency established
by Congress in 2016 to expedite the
reduction of surplus federal property.
" Title V is a rarely leveraged opportunity,
partly because of a lack of awareness and
partly because there are so many strings to
untangle in the program, " says William Herbig,
head of the Homeless to Housed initiative
for ULI in Washington, D.C. " Homelessness
requires both a housing production solution
and space to provide services and amenities,
which is why a partnership between developers
and service providers can be so valuable. "
ULI is providing Title V training in partnership
with the National Homeless Law Center
and the Public Buildings Reform Board as
part of the Institute's Housing Opportunities
Conference in Austin, Texas, February 20-22,
The Title V program of the 1987 McKinneyVento
Homeless Assistance Act involves
three government agencies: HUD, the GSA,
and Health and Human Services (HHS). And,
according to people trying to work with the
Title V program, that's a problem: too many
government agencies slow the pipeline-particularly
HHS, an agency whose critics note its
lack of real estate expertise.
" The GSA holds the land, HUD determines
the properties' suitability for adaptive reuse,
and HHS reviews the financial applications, "
Fasanelli says. " Unfortunately, the way the law
is implemented now, it's impossible to use
low-income housing tax credits [LIHTC] and
other traditional housing tools for financing. "
Fasanelli describes the situation as a catch22
when it comes to using tax credits to
finance the necessary redevelopment of federal
" In order to use tax credits, the nonprofit
must demonstrate [that it has] site control,
but the federal government won't provide
site control without financing fully in place, "
Fasanelli says. " While there are numerous success
stories with Title V, they're usually for
emergency shelters, transitional housing, or
services, rather than for affordable permanent
supportive housing. "
Winstead, who is among the aforementioned
critics of HHS, calls the agency understaffed
and says that condition unnecessarily
complicates and delays Title V projects.
" So, HHS is an agency that's trying to do
good work, but it isn't used to real estate, "
says Doug Shoemaker, president of Mercy
Housing California in San Francisco, the largest
regional division of that national nonprofit
housing developer. " The GSA is more accustomed
than [is] HHS to working with real
estate, and most of us in affordable housing
know how to work with HUD. The confusing
part about this process is that HHS doesn't

2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land

2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land - Cover1
2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land - Cover2
2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land - 1
2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land - 2
2023 Fall Issue of Urban Land - 3
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