2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land - 73

no one tool can solve a problem as seemingly
intractable as the lack of affordable
housing in the U.S., but many cities recognize
that zoning reform can be a valuable catalyst
to increase all types of housing supply.
" The silver lining is that the affordable
housing crisis is so severe that this is one of
the top issues facing constituents, so politicians
are more likely to address it, " says M.
Nolan Gray, a Los Angeles-based city planner
and the author of Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning
Broke the American City and How to Fix It.
" For example, dozens of cities scrapped their
exclusionary single-family home zoning and
parking requirements in the past few years,
which was previously inconceivable. "
Cities that face a significant affordable
housing challenge are becoming more open
to making zoning changes, says David Garcia,
policy director for the Terner Center for Housing
Innovation at University of California,
" Many jurisdictions are reluctant to use
zoning reform to increase housing because
there's nearly always a backlash to changes, "
Garcia says. " But the idea of allowing multiple
units to be built on what were single-family
home parcels is getting a lot of attention. "
In many cities, zoning changes are relatively
recent, which means their impact is just beginning
to bear fruit, Garcia says. In addition,
many zoning changes are too limited to have
the intended impact, but wide-ranging zoning
can be particularly difficult to enact.
" Zoning created the affordable housing
crisis by being laser-focused on low-density,
auto-centric, single-family houses, " says Toccarra
Nicole Thomas, director of land use and
development at Smart Growth America, a
nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. " Zoning is
inherently designed to be inflexible. "
Piecemeal zoning reform can be easier to
achieve but will probably be less effective to
address the affordable housing shortage.
" Some jurisdictions play around with zoning
by allowing ADUs [accessory dwelling units]
or upzoning so you can put several units on
one property, or allowing 'missing middle'
housing that looks like a single-family home
but has multiple units, " Thomas says. " But to
be effective to preserve or generate affordable
housing, zoning must be reformed in a comprehensive
way. "
Still, there's not a lone comprehensive
zoning plan that would work for every city.
In Boston, for example, sections of the inner
suburbs require homes to be built on two-acre
Downtown Los Angeles Residential Deliveries by Year
SPRING 202 4

2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land

2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land - Cover1
2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land - Cover2
2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land - 1
2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land - 2
2024 Spring Issue of Urban Land - 3
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