Happenings Events Around the Area Editor's note: All information is believed to be accurate as of press time. Before attending, please use the contact information to verify the status of an event. DEADLINES: May 1 for June 15-July 15; June 1 for July 15-Aug. 15 MARCH 13 HARRISONBURG. Intermediate Sashiko Workshop. 1-3 p.m. Vaquiltmuseum.org. 23 LURAY. Movies on Main. New Page Theater. 6:30 p.m. Townofluray.com. APRIL 3 MIDDLETOWN. Easter Egg Hunt. Town of Middletown. 540-869-2226. Middletownva.gov. 3 LURAY. PCSO Easter Egg Hunt. Ralph H. Dean Rec. Park. 9:45 a.m. Townofluray.com. 10 LURAY. Youth Trout Derby. Greenway (Park & Ride). 9 a.m. Townofluray.com. 10 HARRISONBURG. Stash Blast. Virginia Quilt Museum. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Vaquiltmuseum.org. (Rescheduled from Feb. 6.) 20 LURAY. Movies on Main. New Page Theater. 6:30 p.m. Townofluray.com. 24 LURAY. Earth Day 1K/5K (PACA/PCPS). Greenway. 9:30 a.m. Townofluray.com. 24 to May 9 MILLWOOD. Art at the Mill. Burwell-Morgan Mill. 540-837-1799. ONLINE EVENTS: MARCH 18 ONLINE. Setting Up Your Garden Space Webinar. Created by Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association. 7 p.m. Registration required. Nsvmga.org. APRIL 15 ONLINE. Maintaining the Garden. Created by Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association. 7 p.m. Registration required. Nsvmga.org. co-opliving.com March-April 2021 | Cooperative Living | 39http://www.Vaquiltmuseum.org http://www.Townofluray.com http://www.Middletownva.gov http://www.Townofluray.com http://www.Townofluray.com http://www.Vaquiltmuseum.org http://www.Townofluray.com http://www.Townofluray.com http://www.Nsvmga.org http://www.Nsvmga.org http://www.co-opliving.com