BEEF MONTH A Better Beef Business Livestock powers farms, nutrition Story courtesy of Virginia Farm Bureau B fififififin 3 milfiion and 4 milfiion acfies of fifififififififi fifififi land fifie not fififififififififififi fifi fifiop fififififififififififi fififi fifififi suit fifififi fifian fifififififififififififion head of fifief fifififififi fifist fine. fifi fififififi fififid 23,000 fifief fifififile fifififi firs fifi fifififififififi fifie fififit of an fifififififififi fifififififi fi fi. 2 fifi fififififififick fifififi fifififiies fin the stfifie, jfist bfififind pfifififififi. Ufifififififififiy of fifififififififi fififififififififirs found the bfief bufififififis hfis the largest efi fifififififififi fifi pact of fifiy fifififie fififififififick and $6.1 fififififion fifi fifififififil fififififififi fifief fifififile fifie fififififid fififififififififit fihe fifififififi some 60% fifi fifififififiia fifififi s finclude fifififile. fifi most fifififiances, fififififififififififififi fifief fifififile are rafififid fifi a fifififififin wfifififit and tfifin sold tfi fififififififis fifi fihe fi fififiest or fi fifififififist. fi fififile fififififily fifie fifi fififi fifififilot for 100 to 150 dafifi. Tfifiy are ready for sale wfififififififi fifiom 1,050 to 1,350 pfifififififi S fififi fififififififififififififififififififififififififi ome Virginia farmers sell their own beeflocally to fifififificapitalize on consumer demand. The average herd size is just 3 fifififififi fifififififififififififififififififififififi fififififi fifi fifififififi fififififi fifififififi fififi For more information, visit, your resource for all things beef. fi 0 cattle, showing that small farms still are an important partfi of the bfief landscafififi Get your workout in. Exercise is more effective when paired with a higher-protein diet. Beef gives you the nutrients your body needs and the taste you love! See how beef's essential nutrients work to keep your body going. IRON helps your body use oxygen CHOLINE supports nervous system development PROTEIN helps preserve and build muscle VITAMINS B6 and B12 helpmaintain brain function and give you energy PHOSPHORUS helps build bones and teeth ZINC helps maintain a healthy immune system NIACIN supports energy production and metabolism RIBOFLAVIN helps convert food into fuel SELENIUM helps protect cells from damage May 2022 ● Cooperative Living ● 27