unkown to you knocks in the middle of the day or night. Second, a little humor and a true story. A radio talk-show host in Minnesota, within the past year, reported on the number of deer hit by cars near a " deer crossing " sign on a highway. The caller tearfully admonished the Highway Department for not addressing the problem. The talk-show host then asked the caller for a solution. She gathered herself, then boldly suggested, " move the sign " ! Hard to believe, but it is my analogy to Ms. Oxendine's critic. - Frank Sardina Unionville COLUMN REMINDS READERS OF HER OWN " BEAST " Thanks for the Garden Muse column on the Queen of the Night (orchid cactus) in the August Cooperative Living. I have owned one of these magnificent plants for over 35 years now. It is planted in the largest wheelbarrow I could find and is now called " the beast " by my husband and I. It flowers several times June through October, with as many as 75 blooms at a time. It comes into our sunporch (which is a real feat in itself) when cold weather arrives. I hardly water it the winter and it still thrives. - Roberta Lindsay Prince George n ERRORS CLARIFIED FOR AUGUSThttp://www.co-opliving.com