March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 34

Birthday Probes,
Long Drives and
Glowing in the Dark
Further adventures in the medical vortex
by Margo Oxendine, Contributing Columnist
irst of all,
thank you to
all those who
sent cards, letters
and emails hoping
for my health. Your
wishes and prayers
are appreciated.
And, I still need them.
Turns out, I must have two heart
operations. The prospect of one was
bad enough; now, two? Bah!
These are unfortunately split out
between one hospital, which I like,
and know my way around, and can
even drive to myself - and another,
in the scary, unknown land of
Charlottesville, which is 100 miles
each way. I just don't have it in me to
drive 100 miles, go through a lot of
medical hoops, and then hop in the
car and drive 100 miles home.
So, I must find friends who will
drive me. At first, this was easy.
A close friend who goes to Charlottesville
all the time offered. But, after trip #2,
he suddenly had other things to do that
were more pressing. And fun. I really
can't blame him; he was great to do it
twice. I'm very grateful for that.
On my next appointment there,
another close friend will drive. It seems
both hospitals are ordering a lot of
oddball tests and taking their time.
I believe that the longer they are taking,
the less dire my problems may be.
As I learned with a malignant melanoma,
the sooner they want to whisk you into
the operating room, the worse it is.
I drove myself to the closer hospital
last week for what I was told was a
stress test. Several nurses told me that:
" stress test. " Seems they left out the most
important word in front: " nuclear. " I
won't go into the details, which included
being shot up with radioactive isotopes
several times. I had a bad reaction to the
last one and was afraid I was paralyzed
for a short while. But, another shot from
another radiology tech had me feeling
better in 10 minutes.
Believe me: If a nurse says you
need a stress test, ask up front if it's
nuclear. The nurses were great, but
the other stuff? Not so much. It's a
wonder I'm not glowing in the dark.
The next thing I need is an
MRI, and to meet the cardiac surgeon.
True to the sardonic nature of things,
it was scheduled for my birthday. Bah!
Could there be a worse way to
" celebrate " one's birthday? I think not!
I'll have to wait until some later date to
try to do that.
This situation is rather depressing.
I am filled with anxiety much of the time.
People tell me, " don't worry, " but really,
wouldn't you? Fortunately, every couple of
days, I get a colorful envelope in the mail
with an encouraging letter from a reader.
One even sent me a felted butterfly to
cheer me up. Thanks! I also heard again
from my old writing pal, Mable Simmons.
It's always cheering to hear from Mable.
Several writers had heart-horror tales to
tell of their own. It made me feel that
I am perhaps better off than I might think.
So, here's how I've decided to approach
it: Don't worry so much. Everything will
be done - scary while it's happening, but
curative in the end. I will try to be positive.
I will focus on being out there tramping
along the lane, looking for wildlife, by the
time spring gets here. I will get through it!
I am determined! 
To order a copy of Margo's " A Party of One, "
call 540-468-2147 Mon.-Wed., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.,
or email
Curiosity keeps
leading us down
new paths.
- Walt Disney
32 ● Cooperative Living ●
March 2024
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March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank

March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 1
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 2
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 3
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 4
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 5
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 6
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 7
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 8
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 9
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 10
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 11
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 12
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 13
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 14
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 15
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 16
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH15
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH16
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH17
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH18
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH19
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH20
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH21
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - CH22
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 25
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 26
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 27
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 28
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 29
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 30
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 31
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 32
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 33
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 34
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 35
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 36
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March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 38
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 39
March-2024 Cooperative Living-Choptank - 40