March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 7

Spinal Tap
How to build a strong and limber back
by Vanessa LaFaso Stolarski, Contributing Columnist
e humans typically move on a single plane of motion, forward and backward (frontal plane). But the spine can
accommodate multiple angles of movement and it's important for fl exibility and injury prevention that we
hit them all as regularly as possible.
Twisting movements, known collectively as the " transverse " plane, are especially integral to avoiding hip and lower back
pain. One way you can incorporate this into your daily routine is when standing in your kitchen. Stand between two counters
with feet facing forward. Try moving dishes or other objects from one countertop to the other, turning only at the trunk.
Below are a few others to try. I recommend all my clients do a few sets of any of the following movements once in the
morning and once in the evening. Choose one or two, then switch it up the following month. Always be aware of your breathing.
Exhale at the point of the most tension and keep your breath steady while holding positions, in through the nose and gently
out the mouth.
1. Start on your hands and knees in
a tabletop position (but on the fl oor,
not on a tabletop). Inhale as you
arch your back, dropping your belly
toward the fl oor and pointing your
nose toward the ceiling (Cow Pose).
2. Exhale as you round your spine,
pulling your shoulders down and
tucking your chin to your chest
(Cat Pose). Repeat this fl owing
movement, syncing breath with
motion, to enhance spinal fl exibility
and relieve tension.
Again, begin on your hands and knees
in a tabletop position on the fl oor.
Sit back on your heels, reaching your
arms forward on the fl oor and allowing
your head to sink through your arms.
Lower your chest toward the mat,
extending your spine and stretching
the back muscles. Hold the pose and
focus on deep breathing to release
tension in the spine and promote
fl exibility.
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet
hip-width apart. Press through your feet,
liſt ing your hips toward the ceiling and
squeezing your glutes/butt. Clasp your
hands under your back, straightening your
arms and rolling your shoulders underneath. Bridge Pose
strengthens the spine, improves posture, and stretches
the neck, chest and spine.
Sit on the fl oor with your legs extended in front of you.
Cross one leg over the other, placing the foot fl at on
the fl oor. Twist toward the bent knee, using the
opposite arm to hug the knee and the other hand
behind for support. Th is seated twist helps
improve spinal mobility and fl exibility,
particularly in the thoracic spine.
Sit on the fl oor with your legs extended in front of you.
Cross one leg over the other, placing the foot fl at on
the fl oor. Twist toward the bent knee, using the
opposite arm to hug the knee and the other hand
behind for support. Th is seated twist helps
improve spinal mobility and fl exibility,
particularly in the thoracic spine.
Perform these exercises with full attention to posture and form. Listen
to your body and give it what it's asking for, even if that means backing
off the stretch just a little bit. Remember to consult with a healthcare
professional or fi tness expert before starting any new exercise routine,
especially if you have pre-existing conditions or concerns about your spine.
Additionally, perform these exercises with proper form and listen to your
body to avoid overexertion or injury.
Vanessa LaFaso Stolarski is a certifi ed nutrition counselor, weightliſt ing coach,
life coach and stress-management specialist.
All health-related content and media provided by Cooperative Living or its website(s) is created and published
for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on
as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualifi ed health professional
with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
March 2024 * Cooperative Living * 5

March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC

March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - CEC Cover
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 2
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 3
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 4
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 5
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 6
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 7
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 8
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 9
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 10
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 11
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 12
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 13
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 14
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 15
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 16
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - CEC17
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - CEC18
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - CEC19
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - CEC20
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 21
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 22
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 23
March-2024 Cooperative Living-CEC - 24
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