March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC22

A Home
by Lydia Weaver, Community Relations Specialist
ypically, a church house doesn't refer to someone's place
of residence. But in Middlebrook, a small community in
Augusta County, there is a centuries-old church that a
new resident calls home.
Shemariah Presbyterian Church was organized in 1832,
with the fi rst building constructed in 1833. In April 1894, that
structure was devastated by a fi re. Th e congregation quickly
rebuilt in its place, and the church remained open and active
into the 1970s. Th ough it's now been renovated into a home,
there are a couple of former members of the congregation who
remain nearby, as neighbors of the property.
Neighbors happen to be one of Tracy Sassi's favorite aspects
of her new home. In fact, when the previous owner's belongings
went up for auction, a neighbor bought two oil lamps to save,
original to the building, hoping a new owner would want them.
Sassi was grateful and intends to hang them back in their place,
in the main room, where long, wrought-iron hooks suspended
from a high ceiling await. She says that fi rst neighborly
encounter was one of many, and Sassi has felt welcomed by the
locals of Summerdean Road.
While Sassi and her dog, Khalo, are living in the church for
the foreseeable future, she has plans for something more. Sassi,
who moved to the Valley from Florida, had been on the hunt
for her own property in the area since fi rst hearing about its
beauty from a friend, Lori Weber. She called upon Weber, who
was familiar with the area, to assist in her search. Th e former
church property struck them as the ideal location for Sassi's
20 * Cooperative Living * March 2024
home in the short term, but also fi t for their long-term vision of
establishing a community of like-minded people.
" I knew that even though someone else came [with a cash
off er], we were going to get it, " Weber says. " We would be good
stewards of the land. Tracy and I would honor this space and
create something amazing here. "
Since the friends fi rst met in Hawaii 23 years ago, they've
hoped to one day create a community of like-minded people.
Planning to later build a separate home nearby, they'd like to
use the church as more of a ceremonial space for gathering,
hosting events and dinners, and connecting with others. For
now, it's home.
Luckily, the two decks and creek outside provide great
entertaining potential. Two doors, converted from windows,
fl ank a grand fi replace, presumably where the pulpit used to
be, and lead to the attached deck. Th e stand-alone deck, which
could easily double as a stage, was constructed from a large,
fallen tree on the property.
In Hebrew, the name Shemariah translates to " God is my
guard. " With that thought, Sassi wants to ensure the home is
revered, or kept sacred in some sense, and wants to keep the
integrity of its character. Rather than turning it into a rental
for strangers to come and go freely, she wants visitors to truly
appreciate the value and the history of the space. While she
plans to welcome many into its walls, Sassi intends to do so
Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative
Historic church
building receives
new life
Sited next to a road
in Augusta County,
this historic sign was
recovered and returned to
its place upon Tracy Sassi's
purchase of the church.

March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC

March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC Cover
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 2
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 3
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 4
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 5
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 6
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 7
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 8
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 9
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 10
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 11
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 12
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 13
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 14
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 15
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 16
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 17
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC18
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC19
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC20
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC21
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC22
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC23
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - SVEC24
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 25
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 26
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 27
March-2024 Cooperative Living-SVEC - 28
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