kidding around in
52 september 2012
Various tours are custom-made for families wishing to explore the enthralling continent.
sergio ortiz
The vastness of Asia—mesmerizing countries, ancient and enthralling cultures—has every indispensable ingredient to concoct an unforgettable family vacation. Leafing through an atlas for extraordinary destinations can evoke images of singular adventures in far off countries—and with the help of a tour operator a family trip to Asia can seem like they’ve stepped into the pages of a glossy nature magazine. Since Asia travel is currently so trendy, with some tourist destinations so well trodden, there’s a drift to experience the continent in different ways. A number of families want something more than to merely see and photograph the sites. They want to experience Asia unplugged and get a deeper sense of the destination.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Recommend September 2012