Undiscovered Florida 2013 - (Page 4)

ADVERTISEMENT FLORIDA New Worlds of DISCOVERY 4 04-05_2013_UNDIS-WELCOME.indd 4 throughout the peninsula possible, not to mention comfortable, another group discovered Florida – tourists. And the tourists have been coming ever since, creating the Florida that most of us know, the Florida of oceanfront resorts and dining under palm trees, of open-air shopping, surfboards and golf clubs, and of attractions that transport the visitor past the limits of imagination. ABOVE: The waters off Palm Beach are rich in marine life. BELOW: A statue of Juan Ponce de Leon presides over St. Augustine Viva Florida 500 Courtesy of the Palm Beach County CVB; Courtesy of FloridasHistoricCoast.com F lorida keeps getting discovered, over and over. In 1513, a group of Spanish explorers led by Juan Ponce de Leon discovered a “flowery” coastline they named La Florida and claimed it for Spain. After that momentous first contact, the Spanish conquest of Florida was unstoppable, and soon, this rich subtropical land of abundant natural resources was changing hands between the Spanish, British and the newly formed U.S., before finally becoming the 27th state in 1845. Meanwhile, new residents were pouring into Florida, including Cubans and Bahamians who discovered great fishing in the waters surrounding Key West; the U.S. military, who discovered strategic, protected harbors and natural ports around the peninsula; and Southerners who discovered how lovely and fertile the North Florida landscape was, and set about constructing huge plantations complete with grand Southern-style homes. Following the Civil War and the proliferation of railroads that made travel 2013 is a big year for Florida. It’s the 500th anniversary of Juan Ponce de Leon’s arrival on the Florida coast, which forever changed the historical direction not just of the peninsula but the entire Western Hemisphere. The whole state is celebrating with historical reenactments, festivals, food and much more. Check out VISITFLORIDA.com/viva for further information and a full calendar of events. Undiscovered Florida 3/5/13 11:28 AM http://www.FloridasHistoricCoast.com http://www.VISITFLORIDA.com/viva

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Undiscovered Florida 2013

New Worlds of Discovery
North Florida
Central Florida
South Florida

Undiscovered Florida 2013
